10 thoughts on “Hey, whatever works.

  1. Deepak Chopra has single-handedly ruined my life.

    “Hi, my name is Deepa” ” OOOH – like Dee-PAK ChOAP-ra????”

    On a different note, love Keith Knight, especially his “Life’s Little Victories” strips.


  2. frappe? must have drank too much coffee that AM.

    I prefer a good satisfying BRRAAPPPPP as my flatulent onomatopoeia of choice

  3. I can hardly ignore a post about flatulence.

    Not that I have anything meaningful to contribute at all. Just…ha ha! He farted!

  4. Am I a bad desi for thinking that deepak chopra is utter tool? A rich tool, but nonetheless

  5. ANNA: I didn’t get the flatulence reference either! It helps if you don’t think of it as a french word (i.e. NOT frapp-AY.)


  6. Maitri & DesiDancer

    There is no way I believe that. Girls and ladies are soft and gentle with smooth skin and they smell of rose petals and cherry blossoms, and give gentle cuddles and hugs and they could never do something as vulgar as pass gas (I can barely bring myself to say it)

    Next, you will be asking me to believe that the moon is made of cheese. I wasnt born yesterday. Get outta here.