M / F / E

Shashwati brings our attention to the news that the Indian passport will now recognize a third sex:

The new “Passport Information Booklet” relating to instructions for filling up application forms, states, “In case of Male / Female option, please write M or F in the box space provided. For eunuch, please write ‘E’ in this box.” … “Sexuality today is no longer restricted to male and female,” said Vivek Diwan, of Lawyers Collective. “Earlier, when hijras applied for a passport, their applications would be rejected on grounds that they were neither male nor female. This is a step in the right direction.” [cite]

But can they get insurance in Tamil Nadu? More seriously, what happens when they get to a country that doesn’t recognize a third sex – how will they be classified there? Will they be classified into Male or Female and let in, or turned away for the very same bureaucratic reasons that stopped them from getting passports in India earlier?

12 thoughts on “M / F / E

  1. Not that it matters, but mostly out of curiosity – aren’t the E‘s actually M‘s who have had to go thru a rather painful procedure. I don’ think I know of any other country that recognizes 3 genders – in other words is there any scientific basis to there being more than 2 genders?

  2. If I remember my “Biology of Sex” class from college correctly, there are 5 biological sexes — XX, XY, XXY, XYY and X. I think the X one is Turner’s Syndrome, where you get really girly-girls. Plus there’s hermaphrodites and intersex people, who could have any combination of genes, it’s just the physical bits got scrambled. And then there’s transsexuals — apparently when you run brain scans on them, they appear (to the trained technician reading them, who can tell male and female brains apart) as the gender they feel themselves to be inside. So yeah, there’s all kinds of combinations that fall outside the traditional M/F – XY/XX – lingam/yoni dichotomy.

  3. That was illuminating – looks like instead of the 2 (or now 3) choices given on passport forms we should be having 5, huh? But I am still curious as to whether there are countries (besides India) that recognize more than 2 genders.

  4. ANNA and manish or ennis, natch. 😉 or, if you’ve ever read manish’s friendster testimonial for vinod, maybe HE’S the XYY. 😀

  5. aren’t the E’s actually M’s who have had to go thru a rather painful procedure

    I agree eunuchs should still be regarded as male. There are sex chromosome abnormalities however they generally do not alter their gender. XYY’s are still male, etc. etc.

  6. Deepa – to make things more confusing, I took “Biology of Sex” the same semester I took “Sociology of Gender.” I don’t think I could have had two professors more diametrically opposed to each other in terms of the whole nature/nurture debate. 😉

  7. in other words is there any scientific basis to there being more than 2 genders

    Queers generally argue that there’s a distinction between gender and sex: sex is a biological trait; gender identity is a combination of factors, including social construction and biology, and others. For example, I believe NYC’s most recent Executive Order on confidentiality extends to transgendered people.

    And then there’s the argument about whether we ought to rely on “science”, indidivuals, or social theories to understand gender.