Surprise! They WERE singling out turban wearers

To follow up on my previous two posts [1,2] regarding the Justice Department battling the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority, the New York Daily News provides us with the latest [thanks for the tip Ankur K.]:

The Transit Authority may be cracking down on workers wearing turbans, but the agency is ignoring secular headgear – everything from Russian-style winter hats to Mets caps to do-rags, a federal survey has found.

Conducting surveillance at subway stations, bus stops and terminals, the Justice Department, which has accused the TA of discrimination, spotted 208 TA employees blatantly violating dress-code regulations, the Daily News has learned.

The offenders wore hats that were not issued by the TA and lacked the agency logo.

The TA, meanwhile, has penalized a Sikh worker who wears turbans and Muslim employees clad in head scarves called khimars.

“These observations confirm that the TA has gone [and continues to go] out of its way to selectively enforce its uniform policies against a handful of Muslim and Sikh employees, while ignoring rampant and easily observable violations by a large contingent of its employees,” a Justice Department lawyer wrote to the TA late last week.

To give credit where credit is due, I want to point out that this is more than likely the same Civil Rights sub-division of the Justice Department that I last week criticized for its position with regards to the Salvation Army.

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