Diamond shackle for the nose

AFP photographer Indranil Mukherjee brings us this gem from a fashion preview in Bombay:

How does one manage to consume food with that thing in the way? Does it come with an assistant who will hold it up while you stuff your eathole? It probably doesn’t matter — buying such a pricey item will leave its slow-witted buyer with little money left to spend on food. This means that they will starve to death, which is ultimately good for the species, because it prevents their moronified genes from passing on.

21 thoughts on “Diamond shackle for the nose

  1. Do remember that this was taken at a fashion show, where designers show off clothing that will never be worn on anyone other than models.

    You are obviously under the mistaken impression that models eat.

  2. I can’t help it. After Apul’s post last week I think I spent too much time on Suicide Girls (trying to figure out what kind of site it was of course) and it just made me come to terms with the fact that I find pierced women hot! 🙂 The worst part about admitting that is that my dad reads this site…

  3. Cool, this chic will not wander away to some neighbors house, just like a Cow she has a Nose ring buit to tie down to a post or feeding trough.

    Baby you have come a long way with womens lib, now you get to be exactly like a cow!

    Moo! Moo! Pull you arround by the nose ring, you bad girl,you!

    If you Smoke the Cigarette(birde) I will twist your noise ring babe!

  4. This is a well known treatment for chronic sinusitis. The two ends of the drainage system are positioned in two opposite directions within the nose to enable the antegrade and retrograde flow of snot during inspiration and expiration (hence the ring motif). The wider chambers in the dependent portion of the ring collect the fluid and can be emptied every four hours. Unfortunately, this particular model (the ring, not the bearer), clogs frequently because of the excess tubing length between intake and offload points.

  5. Maybe it’s a focus-ring for the alpha male. The challenge – keep it upright while you is doing your bidness….

  6. Something that’s not so stark, but just as moronic: high-heeled shoes. I don’t have a problem with people who are comfortable in them (flat-footed people claim to be), but why promote it as an element of good dress sense? Can I not be well-dressed AND comfortable?

  7. I swear thing looks like a keychain…

    Can I not be well-dressed AND comfortable?

    Men have to put up with neck ties – the pinnacle of uncomfortableness, especially during the unforgivable summer months (!)

    That being said, I doubt that men would care if a woman is wearing high-heeled shoes, unless it was his feet being stepped upon. And I’ve never in my life heard someone (man or woman) say that a lady should have been wearing high heeled shoes… So go for it and ditch those high heeled shoes! 🙂

  8. Uhmmm..couldn’t it just be a fake, i.e. clip on? sorry to burst your bubble Abhi

  9. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them“TM

    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them“TM

  10. Yeah, most modern Indian fashion is kinda tragic. Almost as bad as that India/western “fusion” crap that makes women look like potato-sacks.

    Fusion- good for music, not for clothes.