Bad Indian Boy

I don’t know quite how to break this news so I’m just gonna come out and say it. It turns out all the bitter Indian-male bashers that left comments here were right. As reported in the Hindustan Times [Tip via Suvendra D.]:


Married men in India proved to be the most unfaithful, where an astonishing 49 per cent actively seek sexual relationships on the web.

Pakistan was only second to India in the love rat stakes, with seven per cent of husbands using the Internet to seek extramarital sex, according to a newly published global study by dating site

This was followed by men from Egypt and Saudi Arabia, at six per cent and five per cent respectively.

Research found that UK men make some of the world’s most faithful partners, with only one per cent visiting dating websites in search of extramarital liaisons.

American men proved to be devoted to their wives, with just two per cent looking to cheat, although they were still twice as likely to do the dirty as their UK counterparts.

May God have mercy on our bad brown souls.

[disclaimer: of course keep in mind that the survey was taken on a dating/sex site thus introducing an inherent bias]

22 thoughts on “Bad Indian Boy

  1. If they would just let men hold womens hands there I think there wouldn’t be these kinds of problems.

  2. 49% of Indian men don’t have enough to eat, much less Internet access. but it does say something interesting about the RNIs (Resident Non Indians), no?

  3. 49 percent?! There’s something fishy with that statistic. Is it that Indian men are just more forthright in admitting that they stray than western men are? For my part, I’m surprised that a lot of my buddies, regardless of race, are still true to their wives, especially after said wives turn into asexual clams after marriage (stop taking care of themselves, ignore husbands, take marriage for granted, etc.) Thoughts?

    Oh, and thanks, SM, for helping me ease up on my Indian bruthaz,

  4. whoaaa! hold your horses there abhi. this “statistic” seems like bullshit. just collecting numbers without any scientific process does not qualify as a “statistic”. Plenty of American and British men and women have few hassles about getting some on the side. the Americans i work with, 35-45 year olds with teenage kids, not only hang out at raunchy bachelor parties where they get it on with the girls, they do it often, actively seeking out new parties to go to. gotta be more circumspect about condemning our bad brown souls.

  5. I wouldn’t give this “stat” too much credit. Actively seeking can mean different things to different people. Given how prudish Indian society can be, looking at another woman too long might be considered “seeking”. And with so many relatives living under one roof, how is a man supposed to cheat even if he wanted to. The reason Americans seem to cheat more frequently is not because of moral character, it’s simply more opportunities to get into trouble.

  6. First of all, the stats do sound fishy. No way 49% of Indian men, thats like 250million people. Also this stat has nothing to do with South Asian men in the U.S. Reason why is cuz not many women who are not South Asian are “into” south asian men. South Asian women are suppossed to be the most beautifull in the world and smart and make a mean curry etc. South Asian men? What’s our rep? Cab driver. 7-11. Engineer with no sex. Momma’s boys. Somewhat perverted. I mean look, some guy walks up to a girl at a bar with an Irish accent and as long he’s got all his body parts and isnt wearing handcuffs he is automatically hotter than any guy with a South Asian accent. i’m not trying to put me or my brothas down but its the truth. We’re short, soft and hairy but damn if some us dont make a lot of loot. I said SOME of us.

  7. While I agree that this statistic is fishy, I can’t help but be reminded of a recent article in Vogue about AIDS in India. (it was called “Hope Wanted” in the December 2004 issue of American Vogue if anyone cares to read it.)

    (I’m warning you guys this comment is going to go in a severe tangent.)

    Infection rates are quickly rising there largely in part to cross country truckers who visit brothels whose sex workers largely engage in unprotected sex. I was also very shocked to read their interviews with a number of married women who were infected with HIV by their husbands who openly visit brothels.

    While I understand that this specific article is talking about internet-related trysts, I don’t think that we should dismiss the issue.

    Education is the only way to help stop the spread and unfortunately many people in India are either opposed to being educated or opposed to following the basics of safe sex.

  8. People, people, lighten up 🙂 Of course the stat is fishy. As I wrote at the bottom of the entry, the “study” seems to have been done on a dating/sex site according to the article, so the people that had access to the survey already belong to a group seeking sex (biased sampling).

    That being said Priya does bring up some good points. Truckers worldwide seem to be a conduit for AIDS transmission. All those long lonely hours on the road is enough to drive someone over the edge no matter his culture it seems.

  9. Abhi, does this also apply to people spending long hours driving' down theinformation superhighway’ ? Are bloggers like … rappers?

  10. abomb

    LoL @ this unintentional comedy:

    [[First of all, the stats do sound fishy. No way 49% of Indian men, thats like 250million people]]



  11. While this “statistic” is clearly non-sensical, I am not sure arguments like “none of my colleagues seem to be cheating” make any sense either. Both are anecdotal and so carry no real weight.

    However, I do remember a survey from eons ago, which looked a sexual activity of young men and women in India. Turns out that Kolkata had the most sexually active women in India. Not what you’d think right? But actually makes perfect sense. Sexual activity seems to me to be the clearest indicator of freedom from patriarcal control, and middle class women from Kolkata were probably among the most free in the 1980’s. I wonder what a similar study today would indicate.

  12. Kolkata had the most sexually active women in India

    I think a better conclusion (without having seen the survey) is that Kolkata hd the most sexually active women in India that were willing to tell the surveyers about it.

  13. 49% seems way too much, but everyone else has already said that.

    so this isn’t a scientific fact but given the prudyness of indian society don’t you think the fact that something is “taboo” or not readily “accesible” (i.e. wives who are very sexualized) it makes people want it more? maybe women are taught not to desire sex so they force their husbands to turn to other methods of gratification?

    i remember the last time i went to india men were leering at me and my mother as we walked down the street and i was only 13 years old!

  14. maybe women are taught not to desire sex so they force their husbands to turn to other methods of gratification?

    I’m sorry but this doesn’t fly with me as a legit excuse for any husband to cheat on his wife. He has promised her to be faithful by the bounds of marriage till death. I don’t see any gray area there.

    Please note: That gratification can include self-gratification.

    I have little sympathy for people who cheat on their spouses.

  15. “He has promised her to be faithful by the bounds of marriage till death ” or divorce. The way things are these days the marriage is more likely to end in a divorce anyway.

  16. UK men most faithful? I read an article on a paper once that said a substantial number of Brits have had vacation flings.

  17. Punjabi Boy: How is that funny? Assuming half of india’s population are indian men, 50% of 1 billion is 500 million, right? 49% of that would be around 250 million, wouldn’t it? Please explain.


  18. An email I received from a friend: “Made for an event called Garba With Attitude o_O found it at (excellent group blog by a bunch of not-so-ignorant NRIs) original source: (movie based on above link)

    also check out at sepiamutiny the latest posts by beep and squadeek – I stole their identities! It’s so easy to post comments under someone else’s alias!”

    Please disregard that last out-of-character post made by squadeek as it was made by my mischevious friend.