Bad Indian Girl: Just how I like ’em

Tipster Dhrumil directs our attention to a new and entertaining little website: Bad Indian

Welcome to This is a one stop destination where Indian women who are mislabeled by their overbearing relatives can come together and vent. We at B.I.G. believe that there are many stereotypes within the Westernized Indian Community and such stereotypes should be approached in a humorous way. Some may feel that this site is desecrating Indian value systems that have been carefully brought upon us by our parents. Some may feel this site is poking fun at elderly Indian folks and disrespecting the Indian culture. And some may even feel that they can directly relate to the profiles of Raju, Payal, Pervert Uncle and the Nosy Auntie. It is not our job to protect people’s emotions that may be offended by the material. Our job is to take a funny approach to some frustrating issues prevalent in the general Indian Community. Of course there is no such thing as a “Bad Indian Girl” or even a “Good Indian Girl”. These are labels that are brought forth by community members who are quick to judge an individual based on her lifestyle. This site is designed to make you laugh. If it does anything other than that you are free to express your opinion on our forum or send us an email. In any case, please enjoy this site for what it is and remember a BadIndianGirl is as fictitious as any other character on this site.

Among the difficult issues covered on this site are:
-How to tell off your nosy auntie

-Top 10 signs that your family has secretly posted your profile on an Indian Matrimonial site

-How to handle the Pervert Indian Uncle of the Indian Community

The one that I am looking forward to is:
-How to prevent yourself from having Auntie Butt and Sari Rolls (coming soon)

144 thoughts on “Bad Indian Girl: Just how I like ’em

  1. My quiz results:

    You are a BAD INDIAN GIRL and your relatives talk shit about you. There may be some hope (through cleansing and a prayer ceremony orchestrated by your Nosy Auntie) that you may become a good Indian Girl. Otherwise, welcome to the Bad Indian Girl Community!

    No real surprise! 😉


  2. MY quiz said…

    (40+) HOLY AUNTIE BUTT! You may be the worst Indian Girl in the whole community! We would like to hear from you!!!!

    awww, how cute. still infamous after all these years. 😉

    yours naughtily, the WORST indian girl EVER

  3. For those curious about the poster boy for all pompous Indian guys, he is Ajit Kumar, a wannabe racer/actor from the Tamizh Film industry. Some might even remember him playing the character of Susim alongside Shahrukh in ‘Asoka’. Oh wait, does anyone remember ‘Asoka’?

  4. Come on guys, you’re not going to let them get away with this are you?!?

    Lets set up our own website called

    about the Indian chicks that walk around with their noses in the air, live on their daddy’s expense account, spend their whole lives dissing others, think their shit doesnt smell etc etc

    Lets have some fun 🙂

  5. Its a very funny website. Very well done. I noticed references to ‘light skin’ in the website a few times. Obsession with light skin is the most embaressing little secret of the Indian community.

  6. Al Mujahid

    Its hardly an embarassing little secret. I mean it’s fukked up, but its hardly a secret, people are quite open about their preference for light skin within most Desi communities.

  7. Punjabi Boy, I understand that. I meant the secret vis-a-vis Non Desi American community. Within the Desi Community its almost the norm. But only a few Non-Desis know about this.

  8. I think I almost died laughing while reading “How to prevent your wedding reception from turning into a little girl’s talent show””

    According to the site I am: You are a VERY BAD INDIAN GIRL. Shame on you! You are a complete embarrassment to your parents. All the aunties and uncles in the community know about your ways and are hiding their Raju’s and Payal’s from you. There is no way on this Bollywood planet that you could EVER become a good Indian Girl!

  9. Great idea on the website. My advice for stopping Auntie Butt and Sari Rolls is to lay off the ghee and sugar. For guys it’s the Uncle Belly. Stop having a fifth of Johnny Walker every afternoon.

  10. They should also have tips on how to navigate the dreaded India Association Meetings.

  11. dude go date whoever and don’t make fun of the rest of us. i actually don’t really give an f about the lives of bad indian girls as long as they don’t feel they have the right to talk about the desi community as if they have some kind of insider knowledge. most of what they are doing is what most girls do anyway. most women in america have “non-indian” boyfriends. I think they’ve internalized some weird ish and now they’re pissed. but it ain’t my fault.

    ps I’m dating someone and happy. She likes that I’m not a male-ho

    — Raju

    “smoking kills”

  12. i am a VERY BAD INDIAN GIRL. no surprise there, though i expected to fall in the BAD indian girl category instead.

    i can’t say i’m thrilled about being reminded how being unmarried at the age of 25 means your over-the-hill in the indian community.

  13. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad … but I’m a pretty good girl. I guess getting married early threw me off the bad girl boat. sigh.

  14. Turns out I’m also a “BAD INDIAN GIRL.” Who knew?

    Only thing that kept me from being “VERY BAD” is that I never wear Sari, Pants/tube tops, Short Skirt/breast revealing top, or Saran Wrap to clubs. Although…

  15. Funny stuff, but lord, their web design skills suck three large rolls of back fat.

    I would pay good money to see Indian girls say any of those things to Nosy Aunties or Pervert Uncles at a wedding (or anywhere else, for that matter).

  16. I’m surprised – it seems like the standard for being a bad girl aren’t all that bad, honestly speaking. Not cooking? Not wearing saris? Not dating Indian boys?? Sigh. Clearly, I was expecting too much.

    Where’s the cocaine? Where’s the drunken altercations with the police? Hello, any Indian camwhores in the house?

    Actually, I am not one to speak. I am what my relatives describe as a “simple boy” so I really have no idea what I’m talking about.

  17. Hello, any Indian camwhores in the house?
     um, <a href="">HELLO</a>???
  18. Very funny website, although I’m sad that BIGs may find this an impetus to date The White Man, especially given their track record with Indians.

  19. What a letdown… I’m only a “bad indian girl” according to their ranking. Obviously, I need to get my act together so that I can hurtle into “Holy Auntie Butt” territory.

  20. I’m sad that BIGs may find this an impetus to date The White Man, especially given their track record with Indians.

    i don’t think you should worry your pretty head. people will fulfill forbidden colonial fantasies for a million other reasons that have nothing to do with some novelty site…one such crrrazy explanation might be…they’re ATTRACTED to the guy. 😉

    being bad doesn’t predict any such behaviour; i only go brown and i’m the WORST indian girl there is, according to them.

    rrr- i’ll make sure there’s a link for you to empty your pockets in shortly.

  21. I married a white guy and I was classified as the goodest possible (“GET OFF THIS SITE!”) so, word, Anna.

  22. What’s attractive about The White Man? God doesn’t even like them — s/he burns them in the sun. Besides, BIGs already have Gurinder Chadha to fulfill their colonial fantasies.

  23. dude (I say dude alot even though I ain’t caucasian) beep, here’s a scoop….

    you ain’t heard….its not automatically happy ever after you land a Date with a White Man. its just that the movie ends there and it don’t show when said Man ain’t really down with someone’s indian-ness or has some problems fully respecting people who are different than him, or when he can’t rely on his worldview being the sole reference point of the existence of everyone around him. suckily enough. you know what, Gurinder Chadha ain’t making anyone date anyone. But do not worry, you just haven’t seen the rest of the movie

    obviously not all peeps is like that, but you’d be surprised. that girl you see laughing it up might be thinking in the back of her mind….”what if he was brown would you still find it hard to except I have lower back hair”

    hahaha, don’t be mad its a joke!

  24. Most white men are profoundly unattractive.

    Then again so are most Desi men.

    And most Asian men, Latin men, Black men…..

    what to say 🙂

  25. ps what colonial fantasy are we talking about here? i didn’t think natives were the one with the fantasies. we get fantasies too?

    where’s Kiera Knightley!

  26. Are you guys ok with Desi guys dating The White Woman then?

    Or do you just feel forced to do it because the lower back hair puts you off?

  27. do i, raju, get to speak for all of us?

    if so, my answer is…i prefer in general dating an indian woman or a woman of color bc i feel we understand each other….but this is just my experience, which is open i guess to criticism

    ps lower back hair has never put me off, or on for that matter. it just is

  28. I am against all dating between all races. The world is already overpopulated. Please get spayed or neutered. Thank you.

  29. Dear woman,

    We have been through it all in the dating world, especially dating/experiencing Indian men. I’d like to share these stories and am asking you to contribute a short story about your “Indian Man/Men dating experiences. It can be an anecdote or a saga, just something that sticks out in your mind. You can tell us about “dealing with his ex,” “handling mama’s boy syndrome,” “not being the ‘right Patel’,” “having him go back to India to have an arranged marriage,” “he doesn’t tell his family about you.” etc…Stories should be a paragraph to 4 pages long. I want to publish an anthology. I have gotten a lot of encouragement from other friends and colleagues, this website to put this together…the stories should be comical, poignant, enlightening or just plain interesting. I will edit your stories. Please pass on the information to your friends. I am determined to tell our stories…think of it as therapy–you can vent about all the ridiculous, comical, crazy things you have experienced “Dating Indian Men.” If you have an idea and would like to talk about it with me, I can help getting you started or formulate your story. Please call me and we can brainstorm. Stories can be published anonymously too. I will edit, add, complete your story with your help. I will do all the work, but I want your ideas. Let’s get this book published. I plan to take it to all the major publishers and I am confident that we will get our voices heard. Its time! Please forward this email to your friends too.

    Arati Misro 323-868-5701. Email:

    The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2005.

    Thanks and look forward to talking to you soon.

    Arati Misro, Misrofilms inc. Los Angeles, CA

  30. I liked that idea the first time when it was called “Bridget Jones’ Diary.” Thank you.

  31. Thanks Arati. A friend and I were thinking of doing a similar anthology about our crazy desi men dating experiences. I will gladly contribute to yours. Its kind of sad, some of us would really like to stay brown, but our 20-something experiences have left us nothing short of jaded. Dealing with the not so ex-ex, guys who are determined to make you fit their stereotype of the desi woman that they sabotage all interactions with you, and the not-ready-to-commit-because-they-think-they-got-some-game-left variety, to name a few more. I’m not trying to hate on desi men. In fact, I am lucky to know a number of wonderful desi men – just that they are proverbially taken or gay. Damn.

  32. Arati, I think I already know what I need to know about your anthology from your solicitation. This is not really an anthology about “Indian Man/Men dating experiences.” Granted that I do not belong to the sex you are targeting, whether to contribute to, or to read your anthology, but your examples show that this will be an Indian male bashing book. Why don’t you ask for stories about, “How much he sacrificed for you,” “how he helped you through the worst of times,” or “how he picked you over his family?” It’s your pergoative to write the book you want to write but please call a spade a spade. For every example of a jackass of an Indian guy you point out, I will show you five really good guys that would be more than worthy. As I often say, when it comes to dating and love we are victims of our own design and to a certain degree allow life to screw us over. Writing a book about how much Indian men are “ridiculous, comical, crazy” may feel good at first but it will only serve to keep oneself in a defeatest mindset and allow history to repeat itself.

  33. It would be awesome if whoever purchased this book also received a coupon to get spayed or neutered. Thank you.

  34. Raju thinks desi women should just move on and date skandanavian, icelandic and uraguayan men, because they are universally without problems

    Raju and his friends will be ok, really

  35. Arati, can I contribute to the anthology if I went on a date with a transvestite?

    GoodGirl, are you saying that White Woman likes lower back hair or has lower back hair?

    And, Arati, if someone submits a story about a guy that a went on a date and brought his mother along, just be aware that that same guy went on a date with that same woman only to have her father ask during dinner if he was circumcised.

  36. sigh.

    when i saw that…comment, i bristled.

    don’t MAKE me bust out the rant on how indian guys (like all good guys) are wonderful.

    wrt to this sudden epidemic of boy-bashing blogs (b/c men don’t act in ways that are relevant to such projects) i suddenly realise that it’s easy to create when all you’re doing is destroying. it takes far more thought, skill and charm to be positive, real and inspiring.

    with all due respect (read: none), this “worst indian girl in the whole community” shall pass on the nasty.

  37. Instead of contributions to the book, please just send this woman a few dollars. She can use the money she collects to get laid and her desire to produce such an anthology will dissipate immediately. Thank you.

  38. Raju heard that indian transvestites are the only indian men who aren’t crappy excuses for human beings

    Raju is going to retire from commenting on the board now

  39. I can assure any of my interested writers or readers that this is not a male bashing book! This is meant to reflect on how we grew from dating indian men and to become stronger women and to know what we are looking for and who we are. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.I personally, love indian men. I am just intrigued to say the least….. I have many role models that have made my expectations too ideal….. This is my story you will have to ready in the book.

  40. hey arati,

    a question: who’s going to get the profits from the book? and some suggestions: why don’t you do it collectively and share with all your contributors since you’re using their stories; also, how about not using “indian” and including a few queer people in the book?


  41. I’m glad you all like the site. Please do not give all the credit to me. I owe it all to a bottle of wine and three shots of Jack. Feel free to submit articles and I will be happy to post on the site.

  42. This could cause a true war of the sexes 🙂

    Oh man it will be fun

    Guys, when are we going to fight back against the chip-on-her shoulder pompous Indian girl whose shit smells of Chanel No 5??

    Lets do it man!

    Get lively!

  43. Guys, when are we going to fight back against the chip-on-her shoulder pompous Indian girl whose shit smells of Chanel No 5??

    my shit smells like Creed. if you’re going to diss and dismiss, do that…shit accurately. 😉

    -A N N A

  44. Raju is an indian man and so has broken his promise of not posting

    Bad Indian Girl,

    would you consider articles on Indian Boys who hate on Indian Girls who hate on Indian Boys because they are pissed at the attitudes of the grown-ups?

  45. ANNA

    Please, dont be angry.

    You see, I am the son, and the heir, of a shyness that is criminally vulgar. I am the son and heir of nothing in particular.

    You shut your mouth! How can you say I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved just like everybody else does.
