Q: Who runs Bombay?

A: Bal FAQ-eray. And now, freshly waxed and newly paroled, we humbly present the first-ever Sepia Mutiny FAQ (thanks, Anonymous Cow). Please add your own answers for clueless n00tineers.

The first answer: FAQ means frequently-asked questions. That all ya got? Put some heat on it…

17 thoughts on “Q: Who runs Bombay?

  1. I have noticed your mockery of my holy fatwas err directives. Soon I shall unleash my shivmercernaries on you. Meanwhile remember to always say Holy Anonymous Cow.

    yours lovingly Bal

  2. What blogging platform are ya’ll using? Movable Type, or something homegrown?

    Meanwhile remember to always say Holy Anonymous Cow.

    Anonymous Cow(ard) comes from Slashdot – the site I always check before hitting up SM. And I hear it’s Vinod’s favorite site too 😉

  3. any site that has AJP wielding dual upraised middle fingers is perfectly punk by my standards.

    Y’all go. 🙂

  4. ahh the west coast middle finger…note the three other fingers extend halfway up to the knuckle and the thumb is splayed out wide….most east coast species of the bird features the other four fingers touching forming a fist, leaving one seemingly longer middle finger extended up in the air…what a wonderful world.

  5. ahh the west coast middle finger…note the three other fingers extend halfway up to the knuckle and the thumb is splayed out wide….most east coast species of the bird features the other four fingers touching forming a fist, leaving one seemingly longer middle finger extended up in the air…what a wonderful world.

    i’m bi…

    i can go both ways. 😉

  6. Anna dear,

    yes, something along those lines would suffice. I do prefer the original comments, but i’ll make do with whatever you offer. Just…just be that suitable girl you promised us you’d be.

  7. Once I knew a hot guy named Rakesh. Do you know him? And I have an Indian friend.

    My favorite phrase in the world besides, Princess Ms. World, I love you and it makes me happy to give you all of my money and worldly possessions is -I have a Indian, Black, North Korean, or whatever friend.

  8. “I once knew this guy named Venkat, do you know him?”


    dude you kill me 😉

  9. Extra punk points for the double-bird!!

    As for Venkat, that’s the funniest shit I’ve read all week!

    Could it actually me us brown ppl don’t all know each other??