Everyone’s having sex except you

It’s Valentine’s Day. Half of the country will be f–king like wild billy goats. The other half will just be f–king bitter. The good folks at Durex have something for both camps. The former can indulge in the contraceptive concern’s wide range of STD- and pregnancy-busting prophylactics. And for the latter — nothing less than an international-sized reminder of how much play they’re missing out on.

Durex, a subsidiary of London-based SSL International, recently released their annual survey of sexual behavior around the world. The "Global Sex Survey," now in its eighth year, polled more than 350,000 people from 41 countries, and is billed as the largest such study around. Among the 16 questions, the following six stood out to me (I only listed results for first place, Canada, global average, India, U.K., U.S. and last place):

Frequency of orgasms

Italy 61%
U.S. 39
Canada 36
U.K. 35
Global Avg. 35
India 21
China 19
Something has gone horribly awry.

Frequency of sex

France 137 times per year
U.K. 119
U.S. 111
Canada 108
Global Avg. 103
India 82
Japan 46
This may explain Japan’s higher-than-average suicide rate.

Ownership of vibrators

Iceland 52%
U.K. 49
U.S. 43
Canada 39
Global Avg. 27
India 11
Vietnam 5
Eleven percent of aunties you know in India own a vibrator.

Sexiest features

Canada Attitude (17%), eyes (16%), face (11%)
U.K. Eyes (22%), sense of humor (12%), face (11%)
U.S. Eyes (16%), attitude (14%), toned body (13%)
India Breasts/chest (32%), face (14%), toned body (9%)
Who didn’t see this coming?

Time spent on foreplay

U.K. 22.5 min.
Canada 20.8
U.S. 19.7
Global Avg. 19.7
India 19.3
Thailand 11.5
Isn’t is a tad unusual for respondents to time themselves? At the very least, it has got to be distracting, and make for bad foreplay.

Unprotected Sex

Sweden 64%
U.K. 48
U.S. 47
Canada 42
Global Avg. 35
India 20
Population of more than a billion. Percentage of AIDS infections increasing daily. Yet India ranks dead last in unprotected sex?!

Durex: 2004 Global Sex Survey

18 thoughts on “Everyone’s having sex except you

  1. Regarding the comment “Eleven percent of aunties you know in India own a vibrator”, I saw no mention of sex. And considering I’ve seen Apple’s house (and therefore stumbled upon his collection), if he were in India I wouldn’t be surprised if he contributed substantially to that 11%. Biyatch.

  2. Sex = gender in previous comment for those if you who don’t understand these things. bleh

  3. No, you’re mistaken: SSL stands for “Secure Sex Layer,” the protocol that most prophylactics license in their hardware.

  4. I’m Canadian, female and I didn’t get interviewed LOL. I’d say frequency about 4 times a week. That’s for intercourse and orgasms. So extrapolating that to yearly would be about 200 times LOL. Yes, I own a vibrator and use it maybe once every 2 weeks, if needed. Sexiest feature: My attitude eh 🙂 (hee hee) then my blond hair/blue eyes and pretty face with a nice smile. Time spent on foreplay: maybe 10 mins, if we’re taking our time. Otherwise maybe 5 to 7 mins. We do have 2 kids and they don’t have “the best” sense of timing LOL. Of course, it’s unprotected sex! I’m married and want babies. That’s what this is all about right? Ah well, sex is good, clean fun. The high is the best natural high other than running. Enjoy 🙂

  5. “Population of more than a billion. Percentage of AIDS infections increasing daily. Yet India ranks dead last in unprotected sex?!” I believe that the Durex survey participants would be those wealthy/educated enough to use condoms. The vast majority of India are uneducated and are the ones contracting AIDS at an alarming rate.

  6. frequency of orgasms in the 30th percentile? this must refer to women only, and even at that I don’t understand the numbers. every man I know has an orgasm every time he engages in sex. how don’t you have one? assuming that wouldn’t the worst case scenario minimum frequency of orgasms during sex be 50% (man=100%>woman=0%)? seems even including gay sex would maintain the same numbers, worst case. what gives?

  7. A post I can really relate to! I didnt know Indians were really into bosoms ;) HAHAHA! Now I really have something to angst over in the upcoming months before I hit the traveling trail. I was worried that Indians would stare at me because I was Black but Mr. Amardeep assured me that I wouldnt get thrown to the wolves due to the skincolor issue. Now I know they are staring because of my boobies. I feel so much better! Thanks for the info Apul!

    The work to you die ethic, along with a lack of sex, and the Japanese honor system (suicide is a way to retain your honor in the face of a dire situation) probably contributes to the out of control suicide rate in Japan.

  8. Ms World, Almost all Indians in India prefer light skinned women to dark skinned women. That however does not mean that when you go to India they are going to be racist towards you. They might not want to marry you or take you to bed as much as they might want to do with a white woman. But they will treat you the same way they would treat a white or an asian person. I dont think anyone will mistreat you. They will just treat you like they will treat any other foreign person.

  9. Ms. World:

    Although you may not face hostility, you probably will get stared at alot – whether it’s for your boobies or not – I don’t know. But, you may not get the fawning attention and customer service that you might get if you were white. If you are travelling in the company of Indians, they may make sure you’re not getting cheated.

  10. I’m glad I was able to bring up the US’ numbers. Y’all need to get to gettin’ it ON. You ladies hurry on up now; time’s a wastin’. I’ll start double-booking if it helps.

  11. KXB & Al Mujahid- thanks for the info! I must admit Im a little upset that Vivek Oberoi, Aamir Khan & Abishek Bachanan may not want to shag me or marry me because they may prefer light-skinned women. DAMN! There goes my dream of being Abisheks baby momma. What is a Black woman to do? HAHAHA :).

    Ive been living in rural Japan for the last 18 months, so Ive become accustomed to bizarre behavior and lots of staring due to being a foreigner and a Black American. I must say that I am use to excellent customer service in Japan because they are polite people and I speak nice sounding English. Thanks again for the feedback!

  12. Sorry, I just have to ask Toria how she runs. If its second best to orgazmic sex. I’m sure I’ve never run like that, lol.
