The FBI wants YOU!

Frequent Sepia Mutiny tipster Deepa M., alerts us to something we had completely overlooked. I had an excuse since I was forced to miss the Superbowl but how come none of you all mentioned anything? Deepa writes,

Did you see the FBI recruitment ad that aired right before the SuperBowl? It starred a guy I’ve known since 7th grade, Sunjit Randhawa.

Tight. I’m digging the ad. Its, dare I say, surreal. What? You liberal types not digging the FBI? Then try the FFFBI. USA Today reports:

In the wake of the recent Asian tsunami disaster, the need for children to learn about other countries is obvious. FFFBI (, a Web site that helps youngsters learn more about India, Japan and Australia, is a great place to start.

Once connected to the site, kids join the ranks of the FFFBI — the Fin, Fur and Feather Bureau of Investigation — a spoof FBI agency run by a group of “ill-equipped animal agents” who are dispatched to countries about which they know “less than squat.” The FFFBI needs kids’ help for its missions.

I think its fairly obvious which one of these two will end up recruiting me.

5 thoughts on “The FBI wants YOU!

  1. As I understand it, this ad was broadcast in the DC area only.

    I watched the Superbowl in Connecticut, and we saw nothing of the kind.

  2. How did I overlook it? I actually remember seeing the ad, and various people at our all-brown SB party cracked jokes and generally made merry at how desis have arrived yet again. But no one blogged it, no one followed up on it…

    I hang my head in shame.