M.I.A.: step up to blow up

Abhi blogged M.I.A.’s LA concert in inimitable style, so let me fill you in on the NYC gig last Saturday as best as I can: consider me the B side. And Anna couldn’t make the sold-out concert, but she graciously gave me her unused tickets. Caring, sharing and turning green with envy: it’s the mutineer way.

The concert utterly rocked with audience energy, and Mathangi ‘Maya’ Arulpragasam felt like a star in the making. There was heavy promo in NYC: a staid New Yorker story (talk about hipster buzz kill), the cover of the Village Voice entertainment section, Gawker. And her DJ backup, Diplo of Hollertronix, is popular out here. Her first full album, Arular, is out Feb. 22.

The crowd was a weird mix of spiky-haired Asians, Williamsburg hipsters and Upper West Side liberals with the odd square-jawed, Shannyn Sossamon-like Tamil beauty thrown in. There were very few desis in all, but the show was jam-packed. Most of the crowd already knew and sang along to her songs. I can’t tell you how much Lower East Side angst it inspired in me to find out she’s no longer a ‘discovery’ 🙂

Arulpragasam had great flow, and every single song was good. The tracks she chose were much fresher, catchier and more layered than the mixes I’ve heard online. They call it electro-dancehall and electrogroove, but the moves were deliciously familiar: she and her backup dancers reminded me of early Salt ‘n Pepa. I did find the soldier step a bit precious.

I’ve never rocked out to a desi woman before, that was quite novel. The Village Voice called her a ‘Sri Lankan Tamil hottie,’ a phrase you rarely read in America. But her aesthetic was also intimately familiar: her small-faced, tousle-haired cutenesss resembles my female Berkeley classmates; the South Indian hip-hop fans at Berkeley are legion.

Arulpragasam apparently wore the same outfits as in L.A, and she wore the same yellow ‘Polo’ T-shirt as in the Village Voice publicity photo. Her first outfit, metallic diagonals on a baggy teal blouse, was straight ’80s Harlem. She benefits from being dark brown in her genre, she gets an automatic stamp of authenticity.

As Abhi points out, the terrorism issue will unquestionably be a serious roadblock for M.I.A. commerce: MTV refused to run ‘Sunshowers’ without a disclaimer. In 1991, the Tamil Tigers assassinated the prime minister of India with a female suicide bomber. As suicide bombing pioneers, they’re hardly a cuddly, symbolic, ‘stick it to the Man’ organization, which makes Arulpragasam analogous to Lee Harvey Oswald’s daughter or that aspiring pop singer, bin Laden’s niece.

And Arulpragasam doesn’t downplay her Tiger connection, she flaunts it, it’s integral to her marketing. She did a mix album using unauthorized samples called Piracy Funds Terrorism. Her song ‘Sunshowers’ refers to suicide bombs (‘And some showers I’ll be aiming at you’), her first album bears her dad’s eponymous codename. Jungle guerrillas are all over the ‘Sunshowers’ video, there’s a large running tiger in her excellent concert visuals, she does a soldier step on stage and a shoutout to the P.L.O.

At the level of an individual music fan, going white hat can be quite difficult. So much shared infrastructure is contaminated, you can go nuts trying to track it all. If you watch Bollywood, you fund criminal gangs. If you go to Vegas, you fund the mob. If you buy gas, you fund al Qaeda.

At the same time, ‘it’s too hard’ is the main excuse people use to turn a blind eye to all kinds of injustices. You do as much as is practical. I don’t expect to agree with Arulpragasam’s ideas. She’s a Sri Lankan Tamil, they are right to be bitter about their situation. Where I disagree with them is in methods, their choice of the expedient over the good. The key is not the fuzzy politics of rebellion, it’s whether you press into service the slaughter of non-combatants as a tactic. You can’t simultaneously be against indiscriminate profiling in London and for indiscriminate killing in Colombo, by either side. ‘Sunshowers’ is less ‘I Shot the Sheriff’ than ‘I Bombed the Sheriff’s Wife and Kids.’

The dividing line for me is whether my album and concert dollars go to a great new artist, or to inadvertently funding terrorism. That’s what’s still murky. For M.I.A. to blow up big, she’ll have to come out into the sunlight.

Choice bits from an interview:

“And then now it seems like what President Bush is teaching us is if somebody steps to you, you just kill him. Don’t even ask any questions. Just take him out. He’s the biggest bloody 50 Cent he is…

“… in England, the Indian radio stations wouldn’t put Galang on because I didn’t have an Indian intro… And I was like, ‘No, I’m not going to do that… It’s obvious I’m fucking brown. I don’t have to say it again and again…’

“Every year my mum learns one new English word… last year she learnt the word, ‘lesbian.’ Because I didn’t have a job and I wasn’t married, she got a phone call saying, ‘Maybe your daughter’s a lesbian…’ And I was like, ‘No, I’m making music… I just don’t want to take time out to marry this like fat guy in Sri Lanka with a moustache just right about now.’ And then this year, it’s been ‘underground.’ But she didn’t know ‘underground,’ she thought it was ‘underworld.’ So she rang me up and she was like, ‘My friends in church think you’re underworld, now what is this?’ ” [National Post]

Check out the show photos here and here; Toronto show photos; watch the cheesy ‘Galang’ video (right-click link and choose Save Target As; 18 MB).

Musicologists break down the set: NYT; was she lip-syncing, and what’s this about a blowjob?; Abhi’s not the only one fantasizing; another set review; hipster buzz: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, . More interviews: 12, 3, 4. And what M.I.A. listens to.

Previous posts: 1, 2, 3, 4

Update: Here’s a detailed bio (what the hell is a ‘Mowgli dance move,’ and how could something ripped from Disney and Kipling be a good thing?)

46 thoughts on “M.I.A.: step up to blow up

  1. “to blow up big”?. You do have a way with words manish.

    I share your ambivalence. The thing is, I don’t think I could fully enjoy her music, knowing this about her. Training child suicide bombers is just about the most awful thing in the world that I could think of. The word evil gets thrown around a lot these days, but taking children orphaned in a violent way already, and then training them to kill themselves and others, well, who wants to live in that world? What’s the point?

    Your point about Bollywood is well taken….

  2. Training child suicide bombers is just about the most awful thing in the world

    To be fair, i don’t believe anybody has accused the LTTE of using child suicide-bombers. They’ve used adult suicide bombers, and (allegedly) child soldiers.

    Don’t know if that changes anything though.

  3. If Gun’s N Roses still gets flak for “One in a Million” – with lyrics like, “Cops and N******, that’s right, get out of my way.” “Immigrants and faggots, they make no sense to me”, why should MIA get a pass? Ice Cube can get criticized raping about, “slanty-eyed Korean muthaf*****, pay respect to the black fist”, but MIA, being an attractive women, is gonna escape criticism? I can never get around musicians, who quite rightly cite the First Amendment when they tick someone off, yet are so thin-skinned when asked to explain themselves.

  4. For some reason she reminds of PJ Harvey, maybe because I don’t understand either one? I definitely like the sound, and why can’t she use her experiences to shape her music; much like Public Enemy. As for her politics and LTTE, I don’t know…

    cite the First Amendment when they tick someone off, yet are so thin-skinned when asked to explain themselves.

    You could probably say that for just about anybody KXB.

  5. Actually Ashwin, I did find a reference to child suicide bombers, although no particulars:

    The LTTE has used children as soldiers throughout the conflict. In the 1990’s some studies found that 40-60% of LTTE soldiers killed in battle were children under the age of eighteen. Children have also been used as suicide bombers. [Cite]
  6. MIA’s not singing, “And some showers I’ll be aiming at you,” and nor is any violent imagery intended in that line. In fact, the line is “Sun showers I’ll be aiming at you,” taken directly from the chorus of the 1976 R & B song “Sun Shower”, by Dr. Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band. The whole song is built around that sample.

  7. Thanks, ABegrand. The official lyrics say “some showers,” maybe it was transcribed wrong. In the original context, the sample certainly sounds nonviolent, but in this context?

    It’s a bomb yo So run yo Put away your stupid gun yo… That’s why we blow it up ‘fore we go
  8. Hey Jay S,

    ruben fliescher directed that video and he is far from the worst director on the planet. Anyway, what’s wrong the video? What else do you want? It’s MIA dancing in front of her artwork!

    check out his other videos: http://www.ruben.fm

  9. “ruben fliescher directed that video and he is far from the worst director on the planet. Anyway, what’s wrong the video? What else do you want? It’s MIA dancing in front of her artwork!”

    Maya is hot, but the video makes her look like a dork (because of the ridiculous dancing specifically)!! Okay, I don’t know that much about Ruben Fliescher’s whole career, but that video is the worst I have ever seen.

  10. THe program I saw about child suicide bombers in the LTTE was a Frontline PBS program. I don’t remember how they documented these – I believe human rights organizations and journalists have interviewed children that couldn’t ‘go through with it’ and were captured by the Sri Lankan authorities.


    “They (LTTE) collect children from refugee camps where they have lost their parents. (Many of these are small children), five years old, six years old. They have been brought up in this Red Garden. And after two or three years they are separated…taken to a hidden place in the jungle. That particular place is named as “Puti de Pumi” a sacred land. This is the place where these human bombs are being created…..”

  11. MIA is the hottest thing around in ages and her fresh approach to music is an inspiration. Besides she looks totally awesome in the videos! I wouldn’t take everything you read about the LTTE as gospel, since much of it is based on propaganda by the Sri lankan Government. Ltte are Freedom fighters and have never taken the lives of ordinary suvillians. They oppose the Govt and have never intentionally endangered the lives of the Sri Lankan peoples.

    I haven’t seen MIA live as yet but I have tickets to see her in London on the 11th March – and can’t wait!

    Peace Curt

  12. Curt, you are simply misinformed.

    Since the late 1980s, the group has conducted some 200 suicide bombings—far more than any other terrorist group. LTTE suicide bombers have attacked civilians on mass transit, at Buddhist shrines, and in office buildings. In October 1997, a suicide truck bomb killed 18 people at the 39-story World Trade Centre in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital. Beyond suicide bombings, the LTTE have used conventional bombs against political and civilian targets and have gunned down both Sri Lankan officials and civilians.
  13. All I can say is DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ! The facts and figures quoted by the council of foreign relations are more than likely from official sources in the SL Govt. Many of the facts are distorted or untrue. Premadasa was assainated by the Sinhala Marxist ‘JVP’ party. They are responsible for many attrocities and the LTTE are then used as scapegoats. The Sri Lankan army have in the past been responsible for not ‘attacking’ but ‘killing’ ordinary Tamil survillians on transit vehicles. They simply line people up and shoot to kill!

    The Sri Lankan Govt cannot be compared to any Western democracy since they are corrupt. They claim to be a democracy but in truth can only be likened to the Nazi’s of Germany. All their policies they have introduced since independance from the UK have been discriminatory towards the Tamils. They will do anything to undermine the Tamils and the LTTE. ASk yourself:-

    • Who actually instigated a campaign of Terror against the Tamils to begin with?
    • If the LTTE are truly terrorists then why
      would the rest of the world like to see both
      the SL Govt and them come to a permanent peace resolution?
    • Why would Norway be so persistent in pursuing
      a brokered peace deal between the 2 parties?

    It is thanks to Norway that a ‘fragile’ Peace still ensues in Sri Lanka, although the SL Govt would like to see the end of the Peace. Thankfully the Govt is under pressure to see the peace thru as a great deal of investment and funds are being directed to rebuild Sri Lanka.


  14. Well, Kid Rock supports President Bush, Ice T, Snoop Dogg, and others had songs about killing cops, Lynyrd Skynrd defended segregation, and, from what I hear, Caribbean music routinely talks about burning queers to death. That doesn’t mean the music sucks (although it could, as in the case of Ice T), even if you disagree with the politics.

    Before we go branding her a terrorist or a freedom fighter, can someone take the time to point us to specific links between how listening to her work/attending her concerts/buying her albums actually supports LTTE? I’m not saying it isn’t happening, but so far it seems like it’s mostly been amorphous guilt rather than a real set of specific links to indict her.

    If she is “providing material support”–e.g. attending a training camp or giving money–someone ought to tell her to be careful, because she could get locked up for that shit in the U.S. these days.


    Think about this: if the Tamil Tigers had assassinated the president of the U.S. instead of the prime minister of India, would we even be having this discussion? If an artist publicly supported Lee Harvey Oswald or John Wilkes Booth and put that imagery in his or her videos and marketing, would that artist ever have a prayer of going mainstream?

    can someone take the time to point us to specific links between how listening to her work/attending her concerts/buying her albums actually supports LTTE?

    No one really knows, which is why it behooves her to clarify and why she’ll have to before she goes big.

  16. Manish, First of all, I’m not saying I support the Tigers in the least; but imo, your logic is flawed. If the Tamil Tigers did assasinate the president of the U.S. we definitely would be having this conversation; it would make MIA’s support of the Tigers even more controversial, thereby generating even more interest. Just b/c an artist supports a questionable or controversial cause, and b/c people would rise up and be angry at said artist does not make said artist unmarketable. Look at Eminem, or even more apropos, Rage Against the Machine. RATM single-handedly got suburban consumers to purchase Che Guevara shirts en masse. They publicly, including in their videos and music, supported Communism, the PLO, and a variety of other political causes that don’t fall within mainstream American ‘patriotic’ sensibilities, yet were massively popular. And it doesn’t behoove her to clarify her support of the Tigers and she won’t have to before she goes big, because whoever is handling her marketing is brilliant by mainatining the contreversial edge of her support for the Tigers while being purposely vague about the specifics. It makes absolute sense, and its been done before. And in my opinion she’s generating huge buzz, and after listening to a couple of her singles, she’s definitely got talent, and her controversial political leanings add an air of sexy danger that can only be a positive in her attempt at hitting it big.

  17. Che Guevara wasn’t the president of the U.S. Remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they criticized Dubya and got yanked off radio? There’s a massive rally-around-the-flag effect when the person who’s killed is ‘one of us.’

    Given that the Tamil Tigers haven’t generally assassinated Americans, you’re right that she can walk the knife edge a bit longer. But not much longer– the anti-terrorism atmosphere post-9/11 and the State Dept’s classification of the LTTE as terrorists means she’s going to be facing a lot of shit if she tries to go mainstream.

    And it’s already happening– MTV balked at showing the video.

  18. Joe: if RATM had gotten people to buy Saddam or Osama t-shirts, that would really prove your point. The fact that this could never happen, no matter which band was involved, supports Manish’s. The fact that I couldn’t find any actual Saddam or Osama T-shirts to link to makes the point even more.

  19. Ennis, OK…i might have to revise my position and concede to manish that if the controversy is close to home the artist is unlikely to hit it big w/ opponents/victims of the politics/movement in question. However, I still disagree that her indirect support of the LTTE will prevent her from being very popular at least in certain circles (b/c lets face it, her music isn’t exactly pop) b/c 1) the extent of her finacial support, if any, of the LTTE, can always be ceased if legal issues arose, 2) her target audience, at least for now, will not be the target audience of the Dixie Chicks; most likely her target audience will be in the blue-states. 3) State Dept’s classification of groups as terrorist does not equal mass hatred for said group by Americans, see IRA and PLO…plenty of sympathizers in the US for both groups…in general, most Americans don’t give two shits about any terrorists other than Al-Qaeda 4) getting banned on MTV is one of THE greatest things that can happen to an artist.

  20. Ok to the people accusing the LTTE of child suicide bombers. You must go to that country and find out what the LTTE is doing before you make judgements on what you read in the press or biased sri lankan gov articles. I was a volunteer there and they did more than the Army to help save the lives of many sick individuals both tamil and sinhalese. And my mom is Tamil and my dad is Sinhalese so no idiot can say I am a sinhalese hater. If only the people that accuse the LTTE and other organizations that fight for freedom would actually see what is goin on by first hand experience, rather than make retarded comments about child suicide bombers and other bullshit. Now that I have stated my opinion many ignorant individuals like my good friend Bush, will call me a terrorist just because I think outside the box and don’t accept what anyone says until i see it for myself. And Hotel RWANda shows a good discription of that is going on in sri lanka (HUTU-sinhalese) ( TUTSi=Tamils). DOn’t get me wrong alot of sinhalese people are hero’s as they have saved the lives of many of my mom’s siblings( whom were tamil).So please don’t accuse people and organizations of being terrorists just because they want justice. THe LTTE have tried the Ghandi thing and they sri lankan government didn’t give a rats ass about them. THank you!

  21. Hi,it’s me your cousin. why did you make songs about tigers???Why didn’t you make songs like 50 cent,Usher and others.It would be more interesting if you did.Bye Bye.

  22. yo that video is tight! i love the artwork and almost minimalist approach of mia dancing infront a blue screen. I don’t know about you but the world has enough little X/hype williams videos….

  23. *Human Rights Watch – Asia

    *Human Rights Watch (1) (2) (3)

    *the United Nations

    have all raised an outcry over the abduction and exploitation of child soldiers by the LTTE.

    The original entry did a really valuable job of taking the sugury PR glaze off of rebel kitsch. We’re talking about real human lives here. Both sides of the Sri Lankan civil war (The Sri Lankan Government adn the LTTE) are brutally violent and employ propoganda. The LTTE themselves violently squash alternate Tamil organizations that want to voice the very real Tamil alienation and strife in the country.

    Large numbers of Tamils have had their homes looted, or been brutalized and persecuted by the Sri Lankan government, and I am saying this from my female Sinhalese perspective. If M.I.A. is able to give voice to the alienation and experience of Sri Lankan Tamils, then that is a valuable and powerful thing. But the LTTE is not a grass roots collective, they are a powerful, wealthy, organization that uses brually violent tactics against all Sri Lankans including Tamils themselves.

    I am thinking through all these issues myself, and I just wanted to share.

    peace + respect, -Anna

  24. To anybody reading this string – please note that Maya Arulpragasam’s father was a member of the Elam peoples revolutionary army (not LTTE) he stood up against Sinhalese racism against Tamils and his party does not advocate violence.

    The LTTE is a product of 50 years persecution by sinhalese against tamils, the same thing happended when the British persecuted the American colonists leading to the creation of the USA!

  25. There is definitely a consistent continuity between your art, your music and of course your music videos. One item that IÂ’ve noticed in your art and your videos is the tiger. IÂ’m sure youÂ’ve been asked about this beforeÂ….. Yeah!!! People are all like Whoohahahaha! If I wear a Bangles Tigers jersey or an American football team shirt with a tiger on it people think that IÂ’m a Tamil Tiger supporter. That is really interesting because people just think that Tamil equals Tiger, even though I do not have Tamil Tiger logos. Its like IÂ’m sitting here in this Ukrainian club and the two people who came to photograph me are wearing tops with a tiger on the hood and a tiger print t shirt. They do it and no one is photographing them and putting them on the internet saying they support the Tamil Tigers. IÂ’m not some manufactured propaganda machine by the Tamil Tigers, but I think people assume that I am. IÂ’m like, hell no! Tamil Tigers fucked my life up and so did the Sinhelse government. They both fucked my life up. I was just a kid skipping around the street in Sri Lanka totally oblivious to politics and anything that was going on. Everyday at school we had to sing the Sri Lankan national anthem, and it just changed one day to drill lessons every morning, like how to duck bullets. I donÂ’t have any affiliation to either of those entities. The statement I try to make through my music is that itÂ’s the civilians and refugees that get caught up in the cross fire of politics. It is the civilians and refugees that get affected by two middle aged men sitting somewhere fighting over some ego addiction to war bullshit, money, and oil, or whatever the thing is.

  26. all u lot r dum asses yh….m.i.a iz supportin LTTTE cuz she tamil yh…not cuz she wantz 2 promote terrorism or ne of dat oda crap u sed…d tamil tigaz rule n yall jus can’t admit dat..u lot r stoopid yh…n m.i.a’s musik iz sik!!! n her videoz r amazin so i dunno wuh u eeddjyatz r tlkin crap fo….

  27. If MIA supports the LTTE it doesn’t matter becuz shes tamil and thats her roots. Just like every other race that likes to promote their background. Even if she does support LTTE yo shouldn’ be judging her on that you should judge her on her talent.

  28. Okay to all this mia tamil tiger b.s that is going on. SO WHAT??? She is a Tamil, and those who understand the fight in the country, and the struggles that Tamils face, will clearly understand the issues she raises. And those who dont know what the hell is going on, I suggest you keep your singlminded comments to yourself. Imagine form whatever your country your from wont allow your people to get a proper education or job, or anything for that sakes, you would probably be sitting somewhere crying. This girl has the courage to sing to millions of ppl about the struggle. SO SHOW SOME RESPECT!

  29. M.I.A’s father is Arul Pragasam, a founding member of the Eelam Revolutionary Organization of Students, EROS which gave birth to the EPRLF, Eelam People’s Revolutionary Front. This group was in the early 80’s attacked by the LTTE, the group which M.I.A. allegedly supports. The issue of Tamil militancy is a complex one, the LTTE for the record are definitely not freedom fighters. They have a track record of eliminating moderate Tamils like Neelan Tiruchelvam who was trying to advance Tamil rights through cooperation with Sri Lankan government. The original cause of Tamil rights is a just one but has been perverted by the LTTE beyond belief. If M.I.A. does believe in the Tigers and their cause of a monoethnic, totalitarian state she is doing her people a disservice.

    That said her music is decent, Sunshowers was quite catchy. But again if she has to lean on a terrorist organization to popularize herself and sell albums, well ethically and morally I’m not entirely sure how defensible that is.

  30. LTTE carried out the bombing of WTC in Colobo in 1996 whcih killed over 100 innocent civilians. 150 civilians killed in Anuradhapura. Also one of my friends died in the Dehiwela train bombing which killed 56 civilians. Thousands of women and children killed in the East of sri lanka. The policy of LTTE is to cause so many civilian deaths that the SL government gives into their demands.

  31. Was John brown a terrorist?

    Was the Boston Tea Party a terrorist act?

    Should Francis Scott Key have been labled a terrorist for writing the Star Spangled Banner and supporting the rebels?

  32. Hi…well i dunno what to say First the Tamil Tigers don’t rule…even though they may be struggling does not give them the right to go bomb and kill innocent people all over Lanka…its fair to say that Sinhalese people have all the right to Sri Lanka…so the tamilz should live der with peace or go back to south India where they came from!!!!…i mean originally they were brought to Lanka as slaves n e way…i don’t mean normal Tamil people…cos some r so nice…i mean the tamil Tigers…dey want da country yet they bomb it and wrek it…wheres the Logic!!

  33. The LTTE is a product of 50 years persecution by sinhalese against tamils, the same thing happended when the British persecuted the American colonists leading to the creation of the USA!

    I just want to make a comment on this statement…the onli reason tamil tigers are persecuted is because they go around demanding for a country that isn’t rightfully theres…and to make it worse they bomb innocent people…can’t they just shut up and live in peace…

  34. If you don’t know the facts don’t bother commenting please. The whole fight in sri lanka stared over the government discriminating tamils. Who was demostrating in the streets and stopping foreign tsunami aid being given to tamils? The discrimination still goes on!!!

    Over 65,000 innocent tamils have died in the north of sri lanka due to governtment bombing, slaughter and shelling since the war started over 20years ago. Can you add up the number of innocent civilans died in the south and tell me who the real terrorist is please!!!

    As for infrastructure damage, have you seen the north of the country? The place is completely destroyed to the ground due to air raids and shelling.

    As for MIA’s music, if you don’t like it don’t listen to it. That simple. If you haven’t figured out yet, this is the kind of publicity she wants. If you are against her you ain’t being clever enuf. heheheh…

  35. hey Shani better get ur facts straight who sez that tamils were brought to srilanka as slaves? hey did u think that we are all dumbshits that we would just let go such a false comment? maybe u are reffereing to the indian tamils who came to work in the tea fields on the central srilanka mountains during the 18th century.

    MIA is NOT and indian tamil, she is a SRILANKAN tamil. srilankan tamils are the natives of this country. they have been living in srilanka far longer than the sinhala people who came to srilanka in the 6th century bc(as outcastes thrown out of the city state simhapuri , on the eastern indian state of bengal). so pls take some history lessons before u go about touting ur ignorance 🙂

  36. Well, well, well….

    Sinhalese were ‘outcasts’, the true inhabitants were Tamils etc. This is an absolutly shitty comment to make. Starsiege, your comments are just as negative as Shani’s. I like M.I.A’s music, but I aint going to say I support the LTTE in anything beyond the community work that they do. And I do think Maya needs to draw her boundaries if there are impressionable people looking up to her, while knowing little about Sri-Lanka’s history.

    Yes, I’m half Sinhalese and British, but it doesn’t make me less sympathetic to the Tamil cause. But what you just said Shani, is pretty shallow and backward; implying that the tiny, beautiful, heavily populated island of Sri-Lanka consisting of an overlapping of ethnic groups, was originally inhabited by the Taamils, and therefore belongs to the Tamils. The British used the old tactic of divide and rule which is why the Tamils lost out. It happened in the Middle East, on mainland India and in Africa too. Peoples claiming that the ground beneath their feet rightfully belongs to them, not others, because their ancestors were there first is f**king stupid. As non-whites living in the west, we owe it to our own self-worth not to see things that way. I respect emotion and feeling, but not at the expense of losing your mind and getting downright derogatory. Desis ought to know better than succumbing to savage bickering and lashing out at others!

    As well as all this, I’m marrying a Sri-Lankan Tamil boy next year. Intermarriage is a beautiful thing. PEACE.

  37. Thsi woman is a joke! The songs are hidious and so is her so called singing, or should i say crap talk. She is just a terrorist! Y don’t she just join the tamil tigers. She has tigers printed everywhere. All your hard earned money that u sepnd on her album will go directly into funding terrorism. So be warned!

  38. I am not writing hate against anybody, but real fact is here: Western countries have been supporting the all terrorists groups around the world by supporting two side: for oneside openly and other side secretly by spies and their affiliates-western NGOs, western Christian fudamentalists. All the wars across the world are for several major reasons. 1 first set up a war through espionage and when people become desperately poor, Christian fundermentalits go there under pretext of “helping” and steal poeple into Christianity. 2 wars are created to frighten governments to get them to sign billion dolars profit of arms deals and buy local coporations. example are India, Sri lanka, Pakistan, Arab countries etc. Theses all continuation of colonial tactics. 3 is to promote Israel and get the world to recognise it. In M.I A. case, any body can sing a song in the West admiring any terrorist groups as long as these terror groups did not massacre American or Eropean who are the only spacial people in the world. This is the veery basic attitude of western public and Western governments; they only oppose it if a big country like India lobby against it becuase western governments cannot afforde to lose business profits from that country.

    Who can make make a song hit in the west admirining Al Qaeda New York Attack? no body! u will be in Gotamala Bay in “red jail suit”. let’s say Al Qaeda did not attack west but attack Sri lanka with a cuase or without a cause, can I sing about it in U.S annd Europe? Yes! SWEETIE, U will be “sexy Al Qaeda chic on the top the chart” because there is nothing to lose from Sri lanka; no oil, no gold and billons dallar profit.

    This is how western governents and section of western public feel when they hear a terrorists groups start a war in a other countrty or a riot broke out between two religous or racial groups: openly condemn, secretly happy and dance.
    Rap music: Blast Bombay Blast, Colombo blast Pakistan blast Rassia blast Iraq blast Afganistan blast Rusia blast all world blasts are our dream blasts ’cause we can control the world very fast please blast blast blast blast It help fill our western money mart Hindu blast, tamil blast muslim blast, Al Qaeda blast(pls not in the west) are welcome blast We sell weapons, we sell nuke deals blast blast blast, u can buy them in the open mart in the black mart Blast dumb Hindus blast dumb Buddhists blast dumb Chinese blast dumb Muslim then, we can fill our western money mart blast blast blast then, bring money into the western money mart blast blast blast then, we can convert u into our western Christian class

  39. I lived in Sri Lanka for 12 years and now live in the US. I know whats going on there and I just feel sad. Tamil or sinahaleese….arent we all just one?? does it matter what religion we are? have we forgotten MLK jr words? WE ARE SRI LANKANS!!!! dont forget that. Power to the people….your are the only ones who can bring peace. There have being attrocities commited by both sides. Over 60,000 people dead over the years. Stop this bickering at once!!! If we dont…..sri lankan people will be on the endangered list soon. The past is the past, worry about now. Stop this pointing finger crap…..it is sickening. We are the same…no matter how different we are on the outside…white, black, brown, yellow…w/e. We bleed the same, we feel the same.

  40. As I’m of Sri Lankan descent and have family still living there, I think it’s disgusting what this vile ‘artist’ is doing, she literally makes sick in the stomach. While innocent people go about their daily business, the Tamil Tiger’s chose to rip family’s apart and throw blood on the streets. Then this ‘pop artist’ comes along flaunting her pro-terrorist bullshit thanks to the influence of her idiot father’s position, and we are supposed to be okay with this? Our families in Sri Lanka didn’t lose their lives for your putrid ‘music’. What a joke. Just like her father and the Tamil Tiger bastards.

  41. She is pro-terrorism. It’s like buying the pop-CDs of Hitler’s daughter, if he had one. The good thing is that he didn’t. The bad thing is that we have M.I.A.