First 60 Minutes, and Now Nightline?

This Friday, ABC’s Nightline, one of the better known newsmagazines, will be doing a show highlighting, surprise, surprise, Bollywood. The episode, senior produced by Madhulika Sikka is dubbed as “an introduction to Bollywood for the novice,” and will feature Hrithik Roshan, Preity Zinta, and of course, Bollywood crossover Hottie-to-be, and oh yeah, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, Aishwarya Rai.

I wonder if SM can patent that phrase, or if soon Ash will be like Michael Jackson, and be announced T as TMBWITW, Aishwarya Rai. Maybe we should patent both.

4 thoughts on “First 60 Minutes, and Now Nightline?

  1. you couldn’t patent it but you could opt for a trademark or copyright, depending on your use. =) clearly law school has pickled my brain.

  2. Julie… I was thinking the same thing for the same reason. (Between the two, I’d argue for trademark – but is this a proper use in commerce?)


  3. Ash has an innate dignity and inimitable style. Some may call it plastic or fake, but Ash is what she is. i give her credit for her international image and iconic image. It is easy to criticise, but Ash has indeed done a lot of good for our image. Now no one will think India has only snake charmers and naked sadhus.