Save the Children.

Right now, there are only a few things that outrage me more than hate-spewing sucka MCs. However, the thought of criminal acts being perpetrated against children just obliterates my livid reaction to mocking shock jocks.

Just what kind of monsters walk this planet? What manner of despicable @$$^0)# could inflict more pain on innocents who have already lost everything they’ve ever known in an epic tidal wave and quake?

This sickens me:

SRI LANKA:…A 60-year-old man tried to sell children, ages 12 and 13, in Balapitiya, near the hard-hit southern city of Galle, said police officer W.D.T. Wijesena. Police were tipped off of the sale and arrested the man on Tuesday, he said.
…The fate of the children was not immediately clear. The children are among scores who lost their parents in the Dec. 26 tsunami that killed about 31,000 people in this island country.
The United Nations and international aid agencies have expressed concerned that child traffickers could take advantage of the situation and try to sell orphans into forced labor or the sex trade.

I pray that Sri Lanka’s stringent rules regarding adoption are enforced during this tragic moment of vulnerability.

I’ve heard some infertile couples decry the “maze of red tape” they have encountered in their bid to create a family; I’m sure those legitimate, deserving, would-be parents welcome such red tape now, as it attempts to serve as an imperfect wall between fragile young survivors and the horrid exploitation some sub-human deviants wish to inflict on them.

2 thoughts on “Save the Children.

  1. what’s even more deplorable (if that’s even possible, considering how heinous this guy’s conduct was) was another article i read about a GRANDFATHER who was arrested trying to sell his GRANDCHILDREN after their mother was killed in the tsunami. the children are safe with the father now.

  2. sick, sick, sick. i got your tip just as i was posting this, jt. good looking out.

    outraged mallu females of the world…unite!