The Crossover

Sepia Mutiny has just received its first mention in the REAL news. Journalist Francis Assisi (whose stories we have referenced here before) writes an article regarding the Power99 Fiasco (see here and here) for

Spewing hate and vitriol at Indians and at outsourcing may make good comedy shows for Americans. But not for Indian Americans. Not anymore.

Thanks to alert American bloggers (notably Turbanhead, Sepiamutiny, Herstory and Moorishgirl) Indian Americans are raging mad at the racism and sexism displayed by a Philadelphia radio station last week when its African-American DJ, phoned an India-based call center worker, showering her with obscenities on-air, and then offering her humiliation to his listeners as entertainment.

Some Sepia Mutiny readers will note their comments in the story. Does this mean that the Mutiny is now legit? Never!

8 thoughts on “The Crossover

  1. as Sepia Mutiny not accepting that it’s 2 legit 2 quit 🙂

    The fact that your blogs called shenanigans on racist public personas has “paid for” your efforts a 100 times over.

  2. Thanks for putting that song in my brain all morning. There are very few looks like the ones you get when you’re humming Hammer’s Greatest Hits while making tea in a public kitchen at 9am.

  3. Dare you to wear harem pants and jump onto the conference table at the next meeting with a stirring rendition of “Can’t Touch This.”

    Not to pick nits, but Moorishgirl isn’t an Indian American. Her site is welcoming and her words insightful, so I’ll take her any way she is.

  4. Never mind … Moorishgirl is an American blogger (like y’all) who got Indian Americans aquiver with her post on the topic. Ok. Got it. Sorry for lapse in ability to parse plain English.