Cue the X-files music


Just days ago I mentioned that a bunch of wacky conspiracy stories have emerged recently in order to explain the origin of the tsunami. Although this one has nothing to do with the tsunami, it was just too good to pass up. From India Daily:

Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map). It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red zone is the disputed area still under Chinese control in the Aksai Chin area. The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This was where Indian and Chinese army fought major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol that part of the border. According to many tourists, Buddhist monks and the local people of Ladakh, Indian Army and Chinese Military maintain the line of control. But there is something much more serious happening in this area.

According to the few locals people on the Indian and Chinese side, this is where the UFOs are seen coming out of the ground, According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government know this very well.

Now please keep in mind that UFO stands for “Unidentified Flying Object” and so it doesn’t necessarily equate to aliens, but what else might it be?

Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. …The pilgrims at that stage started quizzing the Indian border petrol personnel. According to them, the security personnel told them that they are ordered not to allow any one near the area of interest and it is true that strange objects come out from under the ground with amplified and modulated lights. IndiaÂ’s Special Forces and possible visit the area by intelligence agencies.

But why in this area? Is it due to the remoteness, or something else?

The locals start laughing in that area when they are asked about these UFO sightings. According to them the extra-terrestrial presence is well known and is in deep into the ground. They believe neither the Indian or Chinese Governments want to expose the fact for some reason. When they bring up thus matter to local Governments, they are told to keep quiet. This is the region where the Euresian plate and the Indian plate have created convergent plate boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are formed where one plate dives under another. Thus this is one of the very few areas in the world where the depth of the crust twice as much as in other places. The opposite is found in hot spots like Yellow Stone National Park in America where the earthÂ’s crust in thin.

The double thick earth crust allows the creation of underground bases deep into the tectonic plates.

If there is a reader out there who is in the FBI and would like to play the Scully to my Mulder, then I am up for a little trip. Incidentally my brother and Mom spent two weeks hiking in that region on their way to Mt. Kailash in September of 2001 (they were in fact oblivious to 9/11). They reported no UFO sightings. I have always suspected they were being untruthful though. Probably trying to protect me from my own curiosity.

Recently in the local school, young children of the area entered into a drawing contest. More than half of the drawings had to do with strange objects in the sky and some coming out of the mountains. Many of them even know what and when to look for [it].

See this previous SM entry on similar incidents.

One thought on “Cue the X-files music

  1. i have already declared that nothing can be as absurd as this is!! give some proofs.