A flurry of wavelets

Although it appears a Kerala baby girl was not named Tsunami after all, a newborn boy from the Andamans has swiped the sobriquet (via Boing Boing). Meet Tsunami Roy:

“It was early morning Sunday, when I made my pregnant wife a cup of tea and woke her up. She was just about to take a sip when we felt the first jolt of the quake…” After hoisting his injured wife and [older] son on to the rickshaw, Roy pedaled and pushed the rickshaw as fast as he could up and away from the shore toward a nearby rocky slope…

The nurse… rigged up a makeshift curtain, laid the 26-year-old Namita down on a bed of dried leaves and grass and ordered the men to get some clean cloth, thread and a bowl of hot water. “A few hours later the child was born…

“It was the doctors who suggested we name the boy Tsunami and we also liked the name and decided to call him that. After all it is a name everyone will instantly notice and remember.”

It’s a little bit morbid and a little bit poetic. It’s not quite like naming him Bubonic, but much more eyebrow-raising than just plain Venkat. Ah well, people will never forget his birthday.

Of course, they’ll also be in mourning. No matter the name, there’s nothing he can do about the date per se. He joins all those poor saps born around Christmas, New Year’s, final exams and 9/11 as people cheated out of their own remembrances.

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