“Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami.” Huh?!?

There is always a lot of junk science and numerous conspiracy theories that follow any great disaster. The tsunami in Asia is no different. From the Jerusalem Post:

The earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean on December 26, triggering a series of huge waves called tsunami, “was possibly” caused by an Indian nuclear experiment in which “Israeli and American nuclear experts participated,” an Egyptian weekly magazine reported Thursday.

According to Al-Osboa’, India, in its heated nuclear race with Pakistan, has lately received sophisticated nuclear know-how from the United States and Israel, both of which “showed readiness to cooperate with India in experiments to exterminate humankind.”

Since 1992, the magazine argued, leading geological centers in Britain, Turkey and other countries, warned of the need “not to hold nuclear experiments in the region of the Indian Ocean known as ‘the Fire Belt,’ in which the epicenter of the earthquake lies.

This is of course just one of many stories being put out by an odd assortment of nut-jobs. Sepia Mutiny reader Julie T alerts us to others:

“There’s a lot more to this. Why is the US sending a warship? Why is a senior commander who was in Iraq going there?” whispered designer Mark Tyler, drinking a pint of beer at a bar in Hong Kong’s Wan Chai district.

“This happened exactly a year after Bam,” said Tyler, referring to the earthquake in Iran which killed 30,000 on December 26 last year. “Is that a coincidence? And there was no previous seismic activity recorded in Sumatra before the quake, which is very strange,” he said, nodding sombrely.

…Among the more common suggestions is that eco-weapons, which can trigger earthquakes and volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves, were being tested. More outlandish theories include one that aliens caused the earthquake to try and correct the “wobbly rotation of the Earth”.

It would make perfect sense though, if this was the opening attack in an alien invasion. Everyone knows they have gravity altering weapons.

11 thoughts on ““Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami.” Huh?!?

  1. There’s a mini industry on the web cataloging the funky conspiracy theories that come out of the Arab world on an almost monthly basis….. I googled around and here were the first couple that popped up – there are MANY more –

    Top 10 Arab Conspiracy Theories of 2004

    a similar list from 2003

    They’d actually be sorta funny / The Onion type material if it weren’t for the fact that a nontrivial number of folks actually believe them.

  2. Wasn’t that movie “The Core” about some giant American experiment gone all wrong and natural disasters triggering the end of the world? But then the good guys go to the center of the earth and set off nukes to stabilize the earth again!

    Anyone with a basic physics education can understand only mother earth can unleash that much energy.

  3. Vinod: the quote is from the Jerusalem Post. That’s not very Arab, so why do you describe it that way?

    Or is it simply that the idea is so crazy that you can’t ascribe it to anybody other than an Arab?

    Your brother in browness

  4. Vinod: the quote is from the Jerusalem Post

    Uh – the quote was from Jerusalem Post who in turn were quoting “an Egyptian weekly magazine.”

  5. Professor Gary T. Whiteford is a geography professor at the University of New Brunswick in Canada. He has done extensive research concerning the correlation of underground nuclear explosions directly causing EARTHQUAKES.

    In April of !989, Professor Whiteford presented his research paper titled NUCLEAR BOMBS and EARTHQUAKES-DANGEROUS PATTERNS and TRENDS to the 2nd annual United Nation and World Peace Conference held in Seattle, Washington. Professor Whiteford personally distributed 50 copies of his Research Thesis at this conference.

    His Fax # is 506-453-3569. His Email is gilmore@unb.ca

    This also might explain why the U.S. Military-State Dept., even tho having advance warning of the Tsunami failed to warn the appropriate South East Asian officials. US had advance warning of tsunami: Canadian professor –A Canadian expert has claimed that the US Military and the State Department were given advance tsunami warning and America’s Navy base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean was notified but the information was not passed on to the countries that bore the brunt of the disaster. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa asks in an analysis produced for the Venus Project why fishermen in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand were not provided with the same warnings as the US Navy and the US State Department

  6. those who believe that underground nuclear testing does not cause a shift in tectonic plates thus causing earthquakes and tsunamis are IGNORANT. wake up people!!

    “…In the fifty years before testing, large earthquakes of more than 5.8 occurred at an average rate of 68 per year. With the advent of testing the rate rose “suddenly and dramatically” to an average of 127 a year. The earthquake rate has almost doubled. To this day the U.S. military attributes the increase to “coincidence.” As Whiteford comments, “The geographical patterns in the data, with a clustering of earthquakes in specific regions matched to specific test dates and sites do not support the easy and comforting explanation of `pure coincidence.’ It is a dangerous coincidence.”

    Within the data he found other suggestive patterns. The one-two nuclear test punch that preceded by only a few days the July earthquakes in California this year may reveal a special danger. The largest earthquake this century took place in Tangshan in North-East China on July 27 1976. It measured 8.2 and killed 800,000 people. Only five days earlier the French had tested a bomb in the Mururoa atoll in the Pacific. Four days later the United States tested a bomb in Nevada. Twenty-four hours later the earthquake hit China.

    Killer Quakes and Bomb Tests In an even more revealing analysis, Whiteford studies so-called “killer earthquakes” in which more than one thousand people have died. He compiled a list of all such quakes since 1953 and matched them with nuclear test schedules. Some test dates were not available, but in those that were, a pattern was evident: 62.5% of the killer earthquakes occurred only a few days after a nuclear test. Many struck only one day after a detonation. More than a million people have now died in earthquakes that seem to be related to nuclear tests. Again, the governments of the nuclear nations claim the results are mere coincidence. Officially the U.S. energy department maintains that even their most powerful nuclear tests have no impact beyond a radius of 15 miles. The claim is challenged by the instruments of modern seismology that can register nuclear tests anywhere in the world by measuring local geological disruptions.”
