Another way to MUTINY!

On a much more light-hearted note, Sepia Mutiny is now on Friendster!

Whether you just want to seem more popular by having loads of friends (cough! guilty!) or you want another way to access our RSS feed, add us. When controversies like the Power99 outrage go down, we can use the Bulletin Board feature to alert you or disseminate information, if appropriate. SM is starting to feel like a little community and this development is a natural extension of that.

Uf-oh. Enough with the serious merits of such a maneuver…just add us already. All the other cool kids are doing it. Besides, you know you can never have enough fake relationships on social networking programs… 😉

5 thoughts on “Another way to MUTINY!

  1. I have to ask this question. Is Sepia Mutiny a South Asian only space (forum)? Are you guys interested in other points of view that aren’t non-South Asian or non-white? I’m just wondering.

    Sincerely, Ms. World aka that Black Gyrl in Japan who is interested in the world.

  2. I’ll second what Manish has to say. Anything and any perspective that teaches us about this wild and crazy world we live in is valuable.

  3. So…. SepiaMutiny is a 30 year old male living in DC. Interesting. This explains so much, as they say! 😉
