Delhi sex clip portends sexual revolution?

Mango Swami elucidates the sexual repression behind the Delhi sex clip scandal:

After all those years of aspiring and shamelessly emulating, the citizens of India have finally made it to the Western world… These two kids will go down in history. [It’s] the equivalent of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This is the shock beginning of a sexual revolution…

[The CEO] was arrested because millions of parents in India don’t know what to do now that they’re confronted with the reality that their kids have sex. Scapegoat a businessman with Western ties because demanding a citizenry to no longer live in denial is out of the question.

He gives us too much information:

I actually saw my first porn movie in New Delhi. We rented it from a local candy-shopkeeper who had to run back to his flat (and probably had to tip-toe around his wife and children) to retrieve an unlabeled VHS tape of seemingly German origin. The candy&porn shop was located right next door to, of all places, the local temple.

But we have our go-to excuse, our favorite scapegoat:

[U]nderneath all the posturing of purity and morality, Indians are a horny lot. And now it’s been made public that demure girls with long braids have sex! What is a nation of a billion to do?! A suggestion: Blame the British!

3 thoughts on “Delhi sex clip portends sexual revolution?

  1. انا ولد ممكن ترسلو لي كل حاجة عربي سكس عل الايميل

  2. isn’t it true that this tape was distributed without the girlfriend’s consent? somehow that disturbing fact seems to be missing from a lot of the coverage.