Next time call AAA

Twelve years ago Indian immigrant Terwinder Singh entered the U.S. without proper documents for an arranged marriage. Since then Singh has worked at Kohl’s Department Store, bought a home, paid taxes, bought a business, and had children in this country. On Nov. 4th Singh flagged down an officer when she had a flat tire. The police then took her to jail and have held her ever since. From

Thirty-one-year-old Terwinder Singh, who had entered the United States without proper documents 12 years ago for an arranged marriage, is reportedly being treated like a fugitive by the US authorities. When Terwinder, a mother of two from Wisconsin, appealed for help after she got a flat tyre, police started checking her records as part of routine. They discovered that immigration officials had wanted her detained more than five years ago. Her appeal against the order has been hanging fire since 1998. She had been served an order to depart voluntarily, at her own expense, by March 2002. Why Terwinder ignored the order isn’t clear, but that made matters worse. Her husband, Ram Singh, claims they were unaware that her appeal had been denied or that a final order had been served to report with bags packed for deportation.

This can’t be the best way to deal with this situation. Surely she can appeal to her congressman for some understanding? As fate would have it her congressman is none other than James Sen­sen­bren­ner, the same congressman who held up the 9/11 bill in congress because he wanted tougher immigration provisions thrown in. Is he willing to help? From the Sussex Sun:

Wisdom, a coalition of about 90 Southeastern Wis­con­sin religious congregations, and its Milwaukee and Wau­ke­sha affili­ates will rally outside Congressman James Sen­sen­bren­ner’s office Thurs­day to ask him to intervene on her [Singh’s] behalf and to hold con­gres­sional hearings on broader immi­gra­tion law reform issues.

Sensenbrenner’s press sec­re­tary, Raj Bharwani, said in a telephone interview yesterday that the con­gress­man “never got involved, because he was never contacted by any member of the (Singh) family or a family representative.”

“Concern for this woman and her family is pretty wide­spread,” according to the Rev. Joy McDonald-Coltvelt of Galilee Lutheran Church in Pewaukee, a member of Wisdom’s Waukesha affiliate, Stewards of Prophetic Hopeful Intentional Action (SOPHIA).

Well I am glad to see this woman has such support from the community. Everyone knows that things seem to get done once religious institutions step in.

2 thoughts on “Next time call AAA

  1. First, what she did was stupid. What was she thinking?

    Second, regardless what happened, she should get hold of an immigration lawyer.

    Best case scenario, she’ll will have to go back to India, and comeback legally, which may take upto a year.

    Worst case scenario, she’ll be deported and permenantly banned from the United States.

    Given the fact that she has a family and a life, we can hope the USCIS is lenient.