I love watching movies on tiny screens. Not.


So my favourite MC leaves me a message about this article from ABC News…apparently an Indian cell phone company is going to broadcast a new Bollywood phil-im in its entirety, for free. On their customer’s mobiles. (Well, the customers who dished $270 for a phone that can stream video…)

“Rok Sako To Rok Lo,” or “Stop, If You Can,” will be available to Bharti Tele-Ventures customers in 11 Indian cities, provided their phones have the supporting technology, said Atul Bindal, a director at India’s second-largest cellular service provider.

They are boldly and potentially annoyingly going where no company has gone before:

Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd. will be “the first cellular service in the world to premiere a full-length movie on mobile phones,” Bindal said. “I am certain that this service will add a whole new dimension to the concept of mobile-based entertainment.”

“Rok Sako To Rok Lo” stars Sunny Deol (pictured)…and no one else, meaning the film’s other actors aren’t well-known, exciting or important. 😉 Directed by Arindam Chaudhary, the teen flick will debut on cell phones Thursday, and be released to regular old theaters Friday.

Don’t everybody try and drain your cell phone batteries at once:

A maximum of 200 people will be able to connect and watch the movie simultaneously, and the movie cannot be copied or replayed.

If this novel experiment in using mobile phones for something other than, oh, talking, is successful, Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd. may air other phil-ims, for a phee. 😉

2 thoughts on “I love watching movies on tiny screens. Not.

  1. I am assuming that everyone watching the movie will also need a headset…

    ….although I can just see it now: the film is at 200 person capacity with scores of Sunny Deol fans trying to reconnect…someone’s connection drops during a “climactic” scene, leaving one slot open…someone new jumps in, while the person who has sat through the movie can’t re-connect, and spends the better part of the next hour cursing Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd…

    Scenario #2 😉 : People at airports using headsets, walking to their flight while watching the movie…they bump into people/object/dark zones with no signal, and they lose their feed…chaos ensues due to Sunny Deol withdrawal…

    in assuming that users must have a headset to watch in public places…I suppose one could use the speakerphone capability (available on most models)…

    …and I’m your fave MC? me?…really? :)…watch out for my first rap album coming out soon!

    See you later, ‘players!”..Do not forget to “Hollar” at me!