“Pack your shit … and get your ass to Fallujah”

Mutineers may remember Lt. Neil Prakash whom we profile a few weeks back here. Well, LT Neil – aka “Red Six” has been cajoled by a few of us into starting a blog and sharing his experiences.

One excerpt – ARMOR GEDDON: 5 November (D-3): Return from R&R

“Pack your shit, check under your pillow, and get your ass to Fallujah.” Under my pillow, [my platoon sergeant] left me all the maps, friendly graphics, and enemy graphics, and some intelligence reports. …”Pray for rain,” the captain said. The whole city was littered with more IEDs than probably anywhere else in Iraq. I wasn’t surprised. The insurgents had gone 6 months unmolested within the city limits. “The insurgents use cheap det. cord and when it gets wet, the IEDs usually don’t set off.”

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