Microsoft doubles down in India

Microsoft is doubling down on its India bet by announcing a research center in Bangalore, due next month, just weeks after opening a large programming campus in Hyderabad.

The company decided to add an Indian campus to take advantage of promising computer science students coming out of universities there, said Rick Rashid, a vice president in charge of Microsoft Research. The company hopes to hire a couple dozen researchers over the next year, he said.

Intel is also shifting some high-profile CPU design work (the Xeon ’06) to Bangalore.

2 thoughts on “Microsoft doubles down in India

  1. Back in August, Rediff reported:

    Microsoft Corp, the world’s largest IT firm, has refuted a US-based trade union’s assertion that the software maker was sending technology and other jobs to India and other nations, agency reports said. The Seattle-based labour union, Washington Alliance of Technology Workers (WashTech), had claimed that it was in possession of internal company documents that showed that Microsoft now employs nearly 2,000 workers in India, double the 970 number it previously acknowledged. Microsoft denied the labour union’s charge, but agreed that there has been some overseas contracting work because the company has presence in several parts of the world. It also said it does not use contractors for core development.