9 thoughts on “Indo-Sri Lanka Land Bridge

  1. Some other interesting facts about these limestone shoals known as Rama’s Bridge:

    • Christians call it Adam’s Bridge because Sri Lanka was once rumored to have been the physical location of the Garden of Eden
    • At low tide, except for a couple of shipping channels dug through, you can apparently walk from India to Sri Lanka, although you’ll get wet; even at high tide, the water over the shoals isn’t more than 3-4 feet deep
    • The shoals may have been formed by a pattern of circular currents depositing sand at that location
    • Sri Lanka translates as ‘Island-ji’ in the Gondvi dialect
    • The historical bases for many of these legends:
      The literary and archeological data point to a more reasonable timeframe around 1900 B.C.E. when Prince Rama was assisted by Hanumant, a leader of a small tribe known as ‘Vahner’ to enhance the natural rock formation between India and Sri Lanka to cross it to move in troops and arms for a war with a Lankan King.
      It is symbolic to show that King Ravana had 10 heads – he was a brilliant man with a HUGE ego. Obviously, he did not actually have 10 heads. Likewise, it is symbolic that Hanumant was strong enough to lift a mountain and could fly. In reality, he was probably a very strong man who went beyond the call of duty to help Sri Rama. The monkey imagery was due to the mistranslation of his tribe’s name – ‘Vahner’ into the Sanskrit word for monkey, ‘Vanara’. Likewise Jambavan was also a man. The insignia of his tribe was the bear and thus he and his people were referred to as bears.

    • There’s no new scientific or anthropological discovery here, Indian and NASA satellites have photographed them for years
  2. The name Adam has no reflection and representation in this,one of the most significant landforms ever. This is yet another “Christians call it what they want” scenario. This is utter disrespect to what we hold dearest.

  3. Does anyone know if and/or how the planned dredging of the channel b/w India and Sri Lanka will impact Rama’s Bridge?

    Apparently it’ll cut right through it…

    Gulf Times:

    The channel, which is 300 metres wide and almost 100 km long, will cut through a chain of small islands known as Adam’s Bridge that link the landmasses of India and Sri Lanka.
  4. hi all, it makes no sense naming the bridge just because sri lanka was rumored to have been the physical location of the Garden of Eden. According to Ramayana ram built the bridge, so it is only fair that it remains rama’s bridge.

  5. Why are you people so obtuse? You jump for joy at the discovery of a bridge, the foundation of which was in fact formed naturally. Anyone with sense wanting to fight a war would have used ships instead of wasting resources on dropping stones in the ocean. Every temple and pyramid built by the aztecs and egyptians remain in existence today do you see them boasting. Every tribe and city, even specific battles, mentioned in the Bible are directly traceable to actual historic sites and events, many of which are still in existence today. What exactly is the hype over its discovery and what does it prove, if anything?

  6. Mr.Anil,

    Every temple and pyramid built by the aztecs and egyptians remain in existence today do you see them boasting. Every tribe and city, even specific battles, mentioned in the Bible are directly traceable to actual historic sites and events, many of which are still in existence today

    Because whole bible era starts just 2000 years before. here we are talking about 1,000,000 years back ok? Aztecs, egyptians built just 5000 years ago. Obivously IT IS A BIG DEAL. World Archaeologist for some reason forgetting the one of the world’s first human civilizationin south India. Why is the hype? What does it prove? Man it is our origin, human origin and their civilization. why do you think all these countries pour money in archaeological research.

  7. I agree with Kavitha.. i mean the way the world is going these days.. we could do with a little proof that these so called mythologies were true..so we learn to respect it and try to follow what they teach us

  8. priya and kavitha are correct Mr.anil. because first civilization was started in india. and also we have to respect our culture and our religion. actually at the time of bridge built there were no christians are muslims or any religion. the bridge was built long back approximately 17,00,000 years back. at that time there were only hindus. that means the bridge was buit by hindus only. and at that time the god rama was there. so it was built by rama and party. do u understand.