On the Trail of Vikram Chatwal…

nickychatwal.jpg Vikram Chatwal may be the closest thing us ABCD’s have to a certified Desi Rock Star (right down to the de rigeuer photo op w/ a Hilton sister). Gawker’s got a tracker link on him just to keep up with his gossip (thanks Super Jagjit!) and the NY Observer recently saw fit to run a feature length article on his exploits –

Vikram Chatwal is not your usual rich Manhattan playboy. For starters, he has never cut his hair and he wears a turban, in keeping with his Sikh heritage. And while he does all that other playboy stuff?dating fashion models, tooling around town in an Aston Martin, running up an $11,500 bar tab in a nightclub, hanging out with Bill Clinton?he strikes many Manhattan night-crawlers as having something extra, something “spiritual”, if you will. Mr. Chatwal will tell you he plans to be the first Sikh billionaire. His father says: “Why not? This is New York City; he?s just 31 years old; he?s got a base to start with. The problem right now is, he?s only spending 30 percent of his time towards business. The day he starts spending 70 percent of his time, within two or three years he?ll make it.” …Mr. Chatwal gets some good-natured ribbing from his family about his penchant for nightlife. Earlier this month, he attended Puff Daddy?s birthday party in Morocco, flying with the birthday boy on a 767 lent by the King of Morocco.

Of course, one of the cool things about being a rocker is the ability to make totally non-PC observations about the different women you’ve, uh, experienced –

I knew he?d dated lots of women; I asked what his favorite nationality was.

“Brazilian,” he said. “It?s not just the fact that they?re beautiful, it?s the whole vibe?the language itself drips sexuality. It?s Italian squared.” Since I had an international playboy sitting right in front of me, I decided to take advantage of the fact and started rattling off nationalities. “Russian women are sort of deal-makers; they are the smartest business people I?ve met,” he said. “Indian women talk about marriage and kids before they?ve had the first date. British women ? I?ve never met women who act so civilized but are so crazy?the craziest bunch of women I?ve ever met. Just nuts. Real mental. “I?ve been around the world,” he said. “The best thing about French women is the way they speak English. That accent is awesome. But they?re slightly pretentious, snobs. But when you get to know them, they become quite cute and cuddly.” Manhattan women? “Very calculating,” he said. “They?ll do their homework before, and everything is about what?s in it for them. You can rarely relax.”

But when all’s said and done, hold on to your panties ladies, there’s a chance this dude’s coming back to the East-Side –

He said he sees himself settling down with a Caribbean woman or someone from the Far East, where, he said, “they have sort of a traditional sense of understanding what a woman?s duty is, and what a man?s duty is, to be in a relationship together. If you date a woman from Manhattan, you feel like the woman in the relationship.”

The fun apparently started early –

“It was right when hip-hop started?I became like a Sikh homeboy,” he said. “Wearing thick laces, Run-D.M.C.-style chains. I got busted a couple times for shoplifting, because that was the cool thing to do.”
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16 thoughts on “On the Trail of Vikram Chatwal…

  1. hi,

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    because i have more than a shred of dignity and self-respect.

    what condescending bakwas. he’ll settle down with us? talk about “settling”. i guess per your requirements, i should touch his feet, since he deigns to consider my kind.


    if his fiancee is happy with him, that’s fantastic, but that’s HER choice, and it’s not one that either i or MD-didi would make.

    he’s not THAT special. there are plenty of attractive sikh (and hindu, and…) boys tooling around manhattan in porsches and other exotica, ringing up bar tabs in the ridicu-digits. the difference between THEM and chatwal is they didn’t have their money handed to them by daddy, and that is something worth giving up your panties for…

    give me a self-made man over a spoiled playboy any day. and make sure he doesn’t have a lame inky reminder of his past notches, thanks.

    p.s. far be it from me to judge, but you have…interesting taste in role-models.

  4. hey arent sikhs not supposed to cut there hair at all…this guys pics looks like he shaves his beard…wats up with that?

  5. Yeah, I’m sure the beard trimming is really the only thing that’s keeping him from fully embracing his Sikh heritage.

  6. What a waste of time…I finally get excited to about a south asian person getting a chance and it’s someone that who poses as a taxi driver for a model shoot. Give me a break. Come on guys its time to stake out a piece of the pie without selling out!

  7. Hey Playboy, keep playing, do your thing son…..we all live life with the cards we’re dealt and hey if you’ve got aces then make the most of it. He’s having fun and we’re not in the position to criticize him for partying it up the way every young adult does or wishes they could; in addition to living it up he’s involved in politics and charitable organizations. There’s always going to be something to scrutinize, but for once I wish we could just appreciate that one of our own is making a significant mark in the world and representing a bit of what being abd Indian is.

  8. I tottaly agree with Anna..u tell em! i would never take off my panties for a asshole like that and the fact that he has money handed down to him from his daddy is worse..i would rather have a self made man than a guy that depends on his parents anyday!

  9. Quote from rajesh: “Yeah, I’m sure the beard trimming is really the only thing that’s keeping him from fully embracing his Sikh heritage.”

    I have a sikh friend…and he says this guys a joke. He wears a turban sometimes but most of the time he just ties his hair behind in a bun. And i was told thats disrespectful to the sikh religion.

    Any comments on him and his so called “proud sikh heritage.” he seems like a cool guy but he might as well not try to be a sikh

  10. I did’nt even know this bloke existed until now as i was surfing the net.

    Allow it all. When you have parents who have set up an empire for themselves and their childern, I would be doing same thing. Enjoying life, partying ‘Living it up’. If he wants to be the richest Sikh in the world, allow it. Good on him, but like his father said he needs to put more of his time in the busniess, and make contribution to the busniess.

  11. Being a Sikh is not based on appearance. A Sikh is not defined by his outer appearance, it is his choice to present himself to the world as he wishes. Though the marks of Sikh are what the world has always identified with the religion, I and many other Sikhs follow a “Sikhi” way of life but are not wont to literally wear our religion on your sleeve What isn’t Sikh about this man is his lack of humility and a lack of respect for women. My religion and culture is defined by respect and a sense of justice in all ways of life. It is using your resources and being proud of your origins. Seeking wisdom is the highest calling of Sikhs and it seems that Vikram Chatwal is living the fabulous life of a trust fund child. Our media is obsessed with these characters, the Hiltons are just one example. Vikram Chatwal is not deserving of distinction. His only accomplishment thus far is spending money and living the lifestyle. As such, our only fascination with this man is with his fashion faux pas and his business misadventures. What a life, no?