Nearly Nevermind Nirvana

The eagerly anticipated show “Nevermind Nirvana” from NBC has gone through some shakeups. Not only has Kal Penn been replaced as the lead, but the show has been re-named “Nearly Nirvana,” and is still hoping to be a midseason replacement on some network. From

As any good Hindu knows, Nirvana (or moksha) is something worth fighting for. After all, it’s not everyday that you get to reunite with Brahman and free your soul from the continuous cycle of rebirths. Of course, the possible NBC comedy “Nearly Nirvana” appears to have several more rebirths still to come. After NBC didn’t pick up “Nevermind Nirvana” for the fall season, the show underwent a name change and dropped lead actor Kal Penn (“Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle”). Now, with its fresh title and a new star in place, “Nirvana” is ready to move forward with a second pilot, even if NBC may not be interested anymore.

According to the industry trades, “Nearly Nirvana” writer and producer Ajay Sahgal has stepped in as star, just before the second pilot was ready to shoot with Arj Barker in the lead.

David Schwimmer from Friends is one of the producers of this show about a young Indian American man, his white girlfriend and his traditional parents. I think he is a doctor too, if I remember right. Its too bad it is this difficult to find a market for a show about Indians on television here. I bet its easier in Canada, which is looking more attractive every day.

12 thoughts on “Nearly Nevermind Nirvana

  1. The ideal market for such a show would be Britain. I doubt that being picked up by CBC (Canadian Network) would prove financially or professionally worthy for the crew.

    They could probably up the chances of being picked up by a network by making it a family business and casting Kelli Williams (Sahgal’s RL wife) also from “The Practice” as his wife on the show.

  2. Interesting reasoning – if it’s easier in Canada, wouldn’t it already be done there? Unless (shudder), it’s not that easy.

  3. it’ll probably end up at upn. they’ve been searching for a successor to ‘moesha.’

  4. it’ll probably end up at upn. they’ve been searching for a hit ever since ‘moesha’ lost its luster.

    if they replace ‘nirvana’ with the jain word for the same, they could call it ‘nearly moeksha.’

  5. Abhi, just having some fun at your expense. But on a somewhat related note – why is that those with a leftward bent, when threatening to move out of America, always make it a white country? How come I don’t see Alec Baldwin threatening to move to Cuba, South Africa, or Kenya? As another example, my uncle has been voicing the same thoughts, but only Canada and Australia have been mentioned. Alas, home-town India did not make the list.

  6. From the description this sounds like a rehash of My Big Fat Greek Family/Wedding. I guess the Indian twist would be the only difference.

  7. Actually, it’s hard to get on to Canadian TV b/c of rules concerning home grown canadian content. And, as any examination of hollywood will show, they’ve got quite alot of comics of their own …

  8. But on a somewhat related note – why is that those with a leftward bent, when threatening to move out of America, always make it a white country? Because canada is closer than singapore? (doesn’t work for all those wanting to move to new zealand) Because moving to cuba would mean having to learn spanish? Because most of the leftward bent people have evil socialist ideas, and kenya hasn’t quite picked up on the socialist craze yet? Because south africa means we’d be celebrating christmas in the middle of summer and that would be weird?

    Or probably because the culture tends to be the same as the US, but different in some important ways. At least the consumerism is still there.

    Oh, btw, canada called and said it is a multicultural country and a mosaic, even though a large majority of the population IS white…

    /tongue firmly in cheek

  9. KXB, why Canada? Because all hegemony’s eventually collapse. Given the level of relative technological parity in the world tells me that ours will collapse much sooner that the Roman, the Ottoman, the Chinese, etc. I certainly don’t hope it does but you can’t argue with history. Therefore hedging my bets like I usually do, I have concluded that the next great empire will be centered in either Canada or Austraila, for many reasons that I might get into on my own blog at a later date. Your uncle and I apparently share the same logic. True they are both white, but I refer you to Jarrod Diamond on that matter. Finally, Canadian girls are hot. Seriously. Austrailian girls too. I don’t discriminate. If our empire collapses I would want to start a family line somewhere else where it would be most likely to flourish.