The Sister’s Monologue

Remember this post on Sepia Mutiny about a letter from the South Asian Sisters regarding the film Harold and Kumar? It has been SM’s most controversial posting thus far. Well here is some more news regarding our sisters from The Stanford Daily:

The South Asian Sister, a Bay Area cultural group, will perform tomorrow night [Friday Nov. 5th] a South Asian version of the Vagina Monologues in Cubberley Auditorium. “Yoni Ki Baat: Talks of the Vagina,” is hosted by Saheli, Stanford’s South Asian Women’s Alliance, and Sanskiti, the Stanford’s South Asian cultural group.

“The Vagina Monologues has received such positive feedback on this campus, and we hope to create the same sense of empowerment and pride in the women who see this South Asian version, particularly those who can relate specifically to cultural and gender issues that the play addresses,” said senior Shilpi Agarwal, a member of Saheli.

Sounds like it will be an interesting and provocative show. Too bad I live at the wrong end of California.

“It’s often hard for young South Asian women here in America to reconcile the ideas of modesty and relative conservatism that pervade the Indian culture with the fact that empowerment extends beyond just educational achievement, but also to one’s body,” Agarwal said. “Because sex is a relatively taboo topic in many South Asian households, it’s important to remind South Asian women that they have the right to express themselves sexually and should not be ashamed of being strong women with needs and desires.”

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