Retesh Bhalla, The Desi Wrestler

The Washington Post has run an interesting piece on Retesh Bhalla, aka Sonjay Dhatt, the professional wrestler (yes WWF style) whose name-tag is “The Original Playa from the Himalaya,” or more specifically from Northern Virginia. Retesh, a young desi, a student at Northern Virginia’s George Mason University, wears jeans and sneakers by day, next to unsuspecting classmates, but by night, and most weekends, for that matter, he is Sonjay Dutt, “The Original Playa from Himalaya,” a guy who flings himself off the ropes of pro-wrestling rings, performs dazzling twists and flips, and then lands — with theatrical impact — onto, well, big guys wearing spandex pants and too much baby oil.

“From India . . . ” screams the announcer, as Dutt bursts out of the tunnel, struts down the ramp, then leaps onto the ropes, whipping the crowd into fierce applause. Dutt, now 22, was still pretty young when he got hooked. On Saturdays, he and his father would watch wrestling on television all afternoon. Ric Flair. Hulk Hogan. Dusty Rhodes. He taped the shows, bought the magazines, begged for the action figures. Then decided he wanted to grow up to be a wrestler, just like other little boys grew up wanting to be John Elway or Michael Jordan. At first, his parents thought it was amusing. Saw it as a phase. Assumed he’d grow out of it. Certainly didn’t take it seriously. “My parents?” says Dutt, as he prefers to be known. “They laughed in my face, of course. They had the same idea that every Indian parent has for their child. Being a doctor or lawyer or something to that effect. I chose totally the opposite.”

Click here to read the full article, you really should.

11 thoughts on “Retesh Bhalla, The Desi Wrestler

  1. My friend is working as a translator for another Indian wrestler who is going to star as one of the prison football players in the remake of The Longest Yard, with Burt Reynolds, Adam Sandler, and Chris Rock. Apparently this guy was discovered in India because he is 7’4″, 400+ lbs of solid muscle.

  2. Dang, nice story.

    But I want to know when it will be possible to be a desi wrestler known as the playa from Virginia?

    Still, I like “Hindu Press.” This guy is funny.

  3. I really glad to know that there is an Indian guy who is a wrestler & right now playing wrestling in USA. Well I also want to become a wretler. Is there any body who can give me contact address of Sonjay Dutt. Thanks you.