Gay American Yogi on life in Mysore

From his list of 18 things he loves about India:

I love the way it is so easy to make friends. I love seeing people everywhere who I think are exotic, and who at the same time think that I am exotic. I also love what Joseph Campbell simplistically called “India’s homosexual atmosphere.” I say “simplistic,” because it seems that few people in India think or act in terms of homosexual vs. heterosexual, or even think about homosexuality at all. See previous post on this subject. When I was a gay teenager, I tried to wriggle away in horror when even a beautiful beloved put his arm around me in public. In India, guys are arm-in-arm even when both are riding bicycles on a busy street. At my house, I have seen local “straight” guys sit in each other’s lap, and not only hold but caress each other’s hand. I love the fact that it is relatively easy to have affairs with handsome Indian guys. The rare, more media-conscious ones call it “the homosex.” The less aware simply call it “maasti,” which means mischief or play. I wonder how much more decent America would be if males were allowed to show affection for each other. I wonder how much more decent India would be if the sexes were not so segregated. I wonder if I am a fool for wondering these things.

20 thoughts on “Gay American Yogi on life in Mysore

  1. Honestly, what he said is so true! I thought it was only an Andhra thing, but I guess not.

  2. As a Wonder-bread white American tourist, I’d like to thank the boys and girls in India with whom I’ve shared some innocent fun.

    Had I a cross to bear, I might call some of my encounters gay sex: that is, IF I’d been more interested in observing than participating.

    Mr “Gay American Yogi”, after so many months reveling in his navel, needs to get over himself and realize that “maasti” is nothing new: the birds do it, the bees do it, and the little brownie people do too.

  3. I don’t feel like India has a “homosexual atmosphere,” because as the men embrace each other in public it appears to be asexual. However, hop over to Thailand and the homosexual atmosphere is strongily homo and strongily sex.

  4. I agree with the homosexual “atmosphere” over there. I came pretty close to getting wild with guys out in the rural areas on one or two occasions.

  5. You are an honest person, and everybody is mad, so who cares. Write to me I’m in Mysore right now and I know about ashtanga yoga cheers Jesus Menendez

  6. Hi everyone, I’m going to India soon and I’m interested in learning how to meet other gay men and any spiritual places specifically for gay men (or not). Mainly into Yoga and Vipassan Meditation. I want to get certified in teaching yoga. ANyone know of any places? I will be traveling all over India, so location is not important. I will be landing in Chennai and spending some time in Pondicherry, making my way to Bangalore, Mumbai, Goa, Mysore, Delhi, Agra, etc. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Namaste!

  7. Hi I am a gay guy coming out to Mysore in January to practise Ashtanga and was pleased to discover this link on Google. I would love to meet up with other gay guys over there and find out if anyone has any tips regarding accommodation etc. It is my first time in India but I am really looking forward to it. Any hints or advice on how to spend my afternoons in the arms of handsome Indian men then please let me know, though I ought to get my digs sorted out first, I guess!!! Best wishes, Nick Woods

  8. Hi I am a gay guy coming out to Mysore in January to practise Ashtanga and was pleased to discover this link on Google. I would love to meet up with other gay guys over there and find out if anyone has any tips regarding accommodation etc. It is my first time in India but I am really looking forward to it. Any hints or advice on how to spend my afternoons in the arms of handsome Indian men then please let me know, though I ought to get my digs sorted out first, I guess!!! Best wishes, Nick Woods

    Nick, since public displays of affection between the same sex are not often met with “suspicious” stares in India, the way similar PDAs are between the opposite sex, there is really no way of knowing how “open” to going further an Indian man is unless you make a more forward advance in private, so I suggest you be assertive with that, if the vibes and circumstances are right at the time, that is, or just start talking in a more “romantic” way with the man in question and see his reaction. Use tact. I don’t think getting “action” will be that hard if you use common sense in your approach.

    Good luck!

  9. The only comment I disagree with is ‘few people in India think of the homo/hetero dichotomy.’ I think that, thanks to globalization, many in the Indian metros do, so same-sex bonding, though easier than in the West, has become more self-conscious.. Raj Ayyar

  10. Are you kidding?

    Indians are not tolerate of homosexuality.

    Indian sexuality is viewed through a Victorian prism, India along with its neighboring nations of Pakistan and Bangladesh have anti-sodomy laws which were imposed on the subcontinent by the British.

    I’m a Muslim, and even though transsexuals are common sites at the graves of Muslim saints, Muslims in the subcontinent are far from condoning same-sex relationships.

    I’m Afghan, and in our culture homosexuality is largely permitted between a man and a pre-adolescent boy, pederastry is a common practice that was once widespread in Central Asia.

    However, men are mandated to marry and have children and live a “straight” lifestyle.

    Western gay men and their fascination for “homo-friendly” traditions in native cultures of the subcontinent must realize there are limits to this perceived tolerance.

    India will not be condoning same-sex marriage anytime soon.

    South Asian men have various forms of machismo and Indian culture has been influenced by Western dichotomies of sexuality.

    I happen to be gay though.

  11. Hi guys

    I’m going to practice yoga in Mysore in February 2010 and was wondering if anyone could let me know where I could get nice accommodation. I would be glad to share with other guys.

    I look forward to your reply.

  12. Heyy guys , I’m all free in the month of jan and feb..!! Good looking… !!! Looking for some great time!!