Tyler Cowen – Blogging from Delhi

Tyler Cowen, Libertarian blogger extraordinaire is blogging from India – Marginal Revolution: India impressions

Here are some purely subjective impressions of my time so far… Don’t expect a vacation in the ordinary sense of the term, as the main sight is India itself. None of the listed sights are the true highlights. What was better than I had expected: 1. The overall friendliness, sparkle and wit of the Indians I have spoken to.
Saddest moment: Seeing ultrasound clinics in rural areas.

3 thoughts on “Tyler Cowen – Blogging from Delhi

  1. What exactly does this statement mean:

    I recall an old saying that in matters of religion, every Indian is a millionaire. This becomes evident on one’s first day in the country.
    Being tempted by street food, so far I have yet to succumb, I fear what will happen when I do.

    Boy, I sure hope he doesn’t do it…

    Saddest moment: Seeing ultrasound clinics in rural areas.


  2. Sluggo, Ultrasound machines are used in rural areas to determine the sex of the unborn child. Female fetuses are often aborted so as not to worry about a future dowery.