World’s smallest…dog?


I SWEAR its not a rat. From NBC10:

Her name is “Tiny.” How tiny is she? A mere 7.2 inches long.

If Guinness authorities confirm the measurement next week, she could be confirmed as the world’s smallest dog.

The dog is owned by an Indian couple, both doctors, who filed for the record after looking at a Web site that showed a 7.4 inch Chihuahua from Slovakia as the world’s smallest dog.

Dog lover’s can view a clip of Tiny here. Personally I would have named her “Killer” or “Cujo.”

15 thoughts on “World’s smallest…dog?

  1. hi, people always ask me if my dog is worlds smallest. He’s chi, long legged, 3yrs old and weighs 2 lbs. I asked vet today to measure him, he’s 6.5 in long and 9 in high. what do you guys think? Could he be the worlds smallest?

  2. I have a teacup chihuahua that weighs 20 ounces and is a year old. He’s 5 inches long, Idon’t know how how tall he is but I’m sure he’s smaller than your dog.

  3. My Tea – cup is 4 months old and weighs 16 ounces. Right now I’d say she’s probably about 4 – 5 inches tall; does any one know how much bigger she’s going to be?

  4. I have a 15 month old chihuahua that weighs 24 oz.I think he is the smallest dog in weight in the world.Is there someway for me to find out?Thanks,serena

  5. tiny tim is the samllest dog in the world, 4in long, 4in to his shoulder, hes the samllest

  6. Had a chihuahua A.K.C. that my grandson dropped last year, and killed, that was 8.5 oz and was 3 in. tall at shoulders at 7 months old. named William Robert—however his friends called him Billy-Bob.My wife was more than upset. Have picture of if you would like to see him.Got his cousin that is 7 in long and is 20 0z. at 8 mos.