Outsource This!

Jason Alexander must be really really desperate. He acted in a completely unfunny (by any standard) sketch called “Outsource This!” It’s a video clip on the whiny Outsource Outrage website.

It plays to all sorts of nasty, parochial predjudices by saying the names of foreign countries like they’re nasty, just because they’re not in America (at one point a kid asks him where Uzbekistan is, and he points to a map, and says it’s not in “here” gesturing to North America). Another time he gestures to Iran and North Korea, waving his hands over the intervening countries, saying “Axis of Evil,” like all of Asia is inside the Axis.

The only good thing about the clip is that they don’t single out India. Watch it, be prepared to be both bored and repulsed.

9 thoughts on “Outsource This!

  1. I have a high-speed connection, and the stream was still incredibly choppy. Perhaps their genius non-outsourced tech should have considered offering a straight download.

  2. That’s truly one of the most repulsive / sad videos I’ve seen in years. It’s so economically illiterate it’s deplorable. Jason Alexander’s contempt for Outsourcing is only matched by his synonymous (well, in his mind) contempt for Bush.

  3. because as we ALL know “outsourcing” is ALWAYS equal to “sending American jobs overseas”

    my employer outsources its personnel management to PeopleSoft. Aren’t they an American enterprise?

    I am just pointing this out to show that they’re pretty ignorant even about their terminology. They are driven mostly on emotion and not nearly enough on facts. And it seems that they only really care about this since the white-collar jobs starting going bye-bye – just like everyone else. I say what goes around comes around and hello global economy.

    Remember all those stories from the early 90’s about how American students were so far behind their foreign counterparts in education – that they couldn’t even find their own country on a map, etc? You reap what you sow, and we are now facing the consequences for the “do as little work as you can to get by” mindset that is so common in US schools.

  4. The sad part of your assertion is that you miss the irony! YOU ARE 10,000,000% correct….if taken for its actual content, IT IS NOT FUNNY!! You, the Bush Administration and the Republican controlled congress should be tried for TREASON! You believe that the export of our manufacturing base is a good thing? You believe that the transfer of technology is a good thing? Brush up on your Chinese. They are destroying the American Dream and at the same time destroying any possibility of a safe America! You fascist neo-cons are aiding and abetting a Communist country! What happens when we have such a lopsided trade imbalance? I’ll tell ya, WEALTH IS TRANSFERRED FROM OUR COUNTRY to A COMMUNIST REGIME!!! Do you really think for a half a millisecond that the Chinese have our best interest at heart? Do you believe that they will not develop weapons to use against us with their new found wealth and technology? The genie is out of the bottle and we are financing our own demise when you buy the cheap crap at Wal-Mart.I hate to be the one to break it to you, but keep up these purely greed motivated policies and we will see the end of this once powerful and great nation in our life time! MARK MY WORDS!!!

  5. .Do you really think for a half a millisecond that the Chinese have our best interest at heart?

    PatAm…….. LMAO!! Sounds like you think outsourcing jobs is some kind of charity run by big American firms? “Oh, those pooor Asians.. lets give them some jobs so they can improve their deprived lives?” !!! LOL!! (Apparently) news for you, buddy – the big American firms who outsource have their own

    best interest at heart

    . Not yours, and not anybody else’s. And that American Dream that you are talking about – more thatn anything else, it’s about profits, and as long as there are profits to be made by outsourcing, nothing’s gonna stop it.

  6. To the poste(er) above, you completely missed my point…..the multi-national firms have no allegiance to any nation, they value the all mighty dollar! They destroy lives and devastate communities and EXPLOIT workers in third world and under developed countries.

  7. Too bad you feel that way juslandednmissinghome.

    Read on;

    Then They Came for Me by

    Stephen F. Rohde, Esq.

    First they came for the Muslims, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Muslim.

    Then they came to detain immigrants indefinitely solely upon the certification of the Attorney General, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an immigrant.

    Then they came to eavesdrop on suspects consulting with their attorneys, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a suspect.

    Then they came to prosecute non-citizens before secret military commissions, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a non-citizen.

    Then they came to enter homes and offices for unannounced “sneak and peek” searches, and I didn’t speak up because I had nothing to hide.

    Then they came to reinstate Cointelpro and resume the infiltration and surveillance of domestic religious and political groups, and I didn’t speak up because I had stopped participating in any groups.

    Then they came for anyone who objected to government policy because it aided the terrorists and gave ammunition to America’s enemies, and I didn’t speak up because…… I didn’t speak up.

    Then they came for me……. and by that time no one was left to speak up.

    Stephen Rohde, a constitutional lawyer and President of the ACLU of Southern California, is indebted to the inspiration of Rev. Martin Niemoller (1937).

  8. You should look at the person in our organization who decided to outsource!