Nitin Sawhney’s musical

DJ Nitin Sawhney is all set to debut a musical next month. From BBC News:

The artist has been commissioned by the Britten Sinfonia to write The Classroom, which is about “expanding the imagination and exploring ideas”.

Expanding imagination and exploring ideas? What the heck does that mean? translates for us:

an expose about his difficulties as the only Indian pupil at school, which will debut in London along with his earlier works.

Okay, that I can understand.

One thought on “Nitin Sawhney’s musical

  1. i thought that was titled ‘human’ and came out in 2001. oh wait … that was just his album 😉 why does he keep doing remixes/dj sets/and now musicals? I WANT ANOTHER ALBUM DAMMIT. but at least this means he’s writing some new stuff…. at least I hope.

    no seriously … i have read some interviews with him about his school years. no wonder he had problems – his school was supported by the NATIONAL FRONT. if you dont’ know who they are, basically it is a white supremacist political group that wants all immigrants to go home. even if home is the UK, they think you should go somewhere where more people look like you, and get the hell out of their whitebread country. ever hear the term extreme-right? ya… that is them.

    it would certainly be interesting to see a musical on the subject.