Girl wins $5 million lottery

20 year old Beenish Tariq from Flushing, NY just hit the jackpot. From the New York Lottery website:

“I held onto the ticket for so long because I knew I wanted to get everything in order before I claimed it,” said Tariq, a finance major. “I knew right away that I would share with my family; I just didnÂ’t know how to split up $5,000,000.”

Tariq, who plans to graduate in May of 2005, said she will re-invest at least part of her prize in her continued education. “Now IÂ’ll be able to go on to get my Masters and pay for my sisterÂ’s tuition too; sheÂ’ll be a freshman next year.”

Damn, I just realized what a horrible person I am because if I had won $5 million I would have funded an insurgency on some small island nation in order to put myself in charge, instead of sharing it with my family. Beenish if you are reading this, I am VERY single.

3 thoughts on “Girl wins $5 million lottery

  1. she’s a finance major and she couldn’t figure how to split up the money

    just had to (snarkily?) point that out.

    lucky, lucky girl……

  2. Wow, she is really very very lucky and I hope she will continue efforts in life by the grace of GOD, and I pray all of her family to success in all in their minds.