USAAF vs. IAF – revisited

Military junkies may have heard about a recent training exercise b/t a US Air Force fighter wing against the Indian Air Force. The Americans apparently got their buts whipped.

One of my favorite military blogs – – has more of the backstory on what really went on (quoted in full here cuz Strategypage’s permalinks don’t work) –

October 6, 2004: More details have come out about the “losing” performance of U.S. F-15Cs (from the Alaska-based 3rd Wing) against India’s air force in the Cope India air-to-air combat exercise earlier this year. The Air Force and some members of Congress have used the “failure” to justify the need for new F/A-22 and F-35 fighters. Some are calling the results a demonstrated weakening of American air combat capabilities

Two factors have been cited as major reasons why the 3rd Wing took a drubbing. None of the participating American aircraft had the latest long-range AESA radars, although some of the F-15Cs of the Wing had this equipment. A decision had been made beforehand not to send the AESA equipped planes to India due to the additional maintenance package required to support them. A total of six F-15Cs were sent to India, each equipped with a fighter data link, short-range AIM-9X heat-seeking air-to-air missiles, and the U.S.’s helmet-mounted cueing system. Secondly, at India’s request, the U.S. agreed to mock combat at 3-to-1 odds and without the full range of capabilities of simulated long-range radar-guided AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. U.S. fighters could not use the active on-board radar capability of the AMRAAM, and the missile was limited to around 32 kilometers range and required the use of the F-15C’s onboard radar to target Indian aircraft. In standard use, AMRAAM has a range of over 100 kilometers and is a fire-and-forget missile that doesn’t require additional guidance from the F-15. Practiced tactics by the F-15 crews mix two AESA-equipped F-15Cs with two stock aircraft. The AESA aircraft take long-range missile shots to thin out and disrupt the formation of a numerically superior force before the two sides close up for closer fighting. The F-15s flew in groups of 4 against packages of 12 Indian Air Force aircraft consisting of a mix of Mirage 2000, Su-30, Mig-21, and Mig-27 aircraft. The Mirage and Su-30 aircraft were used in the air-to-air role, while the Mig-27 was used as the strike aircraft with the Mig-21 providing escort to the Mig-27s. The Indians also had a simulated AWACS platform and the use of simulated active radar missiles such as the AA-12 and the French Mica, unlike the F-15Cs. This gave the Indian Air Force a fire-and-forget air-to-air missile capability that the U.S. fighters didn’t have, a heavily unrealistic assumption in actual hostilities. However, the U.S. pilots admitted that they did have problems with the simulated active missile threat and don’t normally train against launch-and-leave threats. They also admit they underestimated the training and tactics of the Indian pilots. Indian air force planners never repeated failed tactics and were able to change tactics as opportunities became available, mixing things up and never providing the same tactical “look.” Some of the Indian aircraft radars had different characteristics than U.S. pilots had seen on stock versions of the aircraft, including some of the Mirage 2000s.

114 thoughts on “USAAF vs. IAF – revisited

  1. gc said: I think “American Eagle” is obviously an Indian pretending to be American to gain credibility.

    American Eagle said: My badge number is 253.BE2.VE6

    Sadly for GC: Yet another Classic foot-in-mouth syndrome ensues…

  2. I have been reading all these comments for almost an hour and I need to make some very important conclusions and also some predictions as being an Indian.

    India is a country to reckon with.You can not compare India with Spain, Poland,Pakistan,North Korea and other small countries you cant even figure out on the globe. As a matter of fact let me tell you all 300 years ago India was the World ‘s superpower.When people in America were still living in stone age , India had developed civilization.People across the world used to come to Indian universities for education and can u believe it this was 500 BC!! wonder what was there in US that time!!

    My objective of telling you all this is that you should never underestimate India’s potential.India has suffered the wrath of British colonialism because of which India lost its sheen that it developed before.The diamond that the British queen wears ‘the Kohinoor’ was infact stolen from India.India is rising like a phoenix and let me tell you all 30 years down the line BBC, CNN wont talk of US or Britain , they’ll all talk of India and China!!!

    India will be the World hub for English and Im not joking these are real predictions that the britishers have themselves made given the fact that now Indian are going to UK to teach Britishers their own language..a big Irony rite!!!

    As for Indian indian military is roughly 25 lac standing and in addition another 20 lac as para-military so thats a total of 45 lac…can the polish army or the pakistani army ever dream of fighting us.Dont forget the 1.1 billion polulation and just imagine if 10 percent of us join the army…:-) we can reach America on foot and give them a beating.And ofcourse you cant compare the Indian mind with anybody in this world.We are the intellectual lot with a lot of potential the enormity of which the chinese or Americans cant even imagine in their wierdest dreams.Im not saying all this because of patriotism or something…its quite rightly been proved by the success of Software and BPO industry and ofcourse the USAF Vs IAF joint exercise!!!!!! 🙂

    You talk of casteism,corruption and what nots…I suppose you should first sort out your own caste problem…remember Mohammed Ali and frog!!!! and the water-gate!!!

    Anyways nothing personal but I cant do anything ,facts are like mini skirts they reveal more than they hide!!!

    I am in a hurry right now….gotta work ….want to write more…but cant help it….have got to work to make my country a SUPERPOWER!!!!!!!!!

  3. Varun,

    Your nationalistic pride is admirable, but your facts are most definitely skewed. India was never a ‘superpower’. It was a collection of kindgoms that included the Marathas, Mughals, Rajputs, and plenty of others.

    Historically, the geography of current India was under the control of one king/ruler only a few times.

    The Maurya Empire (Chandra Gupta, Ashoka the Great) and at its peak, the Mughal Empire. Even during Mughal reign, Rajputs/Marathas and Southern Indian Kingdoms held out in their enclaves. Other times such as the Gupta Empire and the reign of the Delhi Sultanate(Alauddin Khilji, etc.) had vast empires, but superpowers I think not. A superpower is also a modern term. Again, going back in History very few cultures achieved such status controlling and projecting their power with examples being the Romans, Greeks (Alexander), Persians, Mongols, Chinese, Russians, British, French, Spaniards, and Indians at their peak.

    “India” as we know it today has been forged through the blood, sweat, and tears of the different people of the Subcontinent who fought together against British occupation. History is significant, but for the future, one must look forward.

    With regards to becoming a superpower, most likely no other nation will achieve that. This is also under the assumption that the United States power will recede into parity with China, Europe, and India.

    Numerically between India and China exists ONE THIRD of the worlds population. It is a matter of time before India does become a major player on the world stage as China is. The United States being the third most populous country in the world will always be around, especially with the growth it still will sustain.

    This idea of India will trump USA or China is naive and linear in thought. For the future of the world, India, China, and the USA along with Europe will be working TOGETHER.

    Todays global economy in many ways works as a deterrent to war. India and Pakistan have been ont the brink plenty of times, but each country knows that in the war for egos, each nation would take a hammering economically. Not in their interest.

    Much more work is needed for India to take that step forward (infrastructure, poverty, education, health, etc.)

    And IF you are working hard to contribute and make India a better place, my best wishes 🙂 and keep the hard work up!

  4. I have been reading these chitchats.. very interesting.. Remember.. USA is an empire now.. it is in its heights.. all world obeys US.. BUT think INDIA is an emerging power.. and a growing power has only one thing in its mind.. GROW..BE THE BEST.. and BEAT THE BEST..

    US right now has the potential to beat India in any war.. accepted.. but it is not like IRAQ.. 1 Billion Indians are ready to die for India. and if US invade India.. they have to put the land forces in here to conquer India.. and that is not easy.. Iraq is a barren land.. but not India.. and Indians are not Iraqis.. India will be a living hell for US. The British stayed that long in india only because we choose the path of non violence.. not any more.. you wont see any gandhis here in India anymore.. you will see only Bhagath Singh’s and Subhash Chandra Bose’s..

  5. I read the whole thread from the begining.I don’t really think that India can be compared millitarily to USA. It is really because India is a developing country and the majority of its population live in poverty – which is also valid for the all other countries in the region. And I hope that the politicians – in India, China or USA think more about how to make their people prosperous than to beat themselves in the chest and saying how strong are they and how good their soldiers are. What makes a military of a country strong is it’s economy – technological superiority, but also the self-convincement of each other soldier that he is fighting for the right cause. So, yes the USA military is much stronger, beter equiped and so on, but they don’t really have any serios reason to fight with India. The desire to play a game of war vanishes in every normal person after the first one that you see dying before you.

    Also this game of whst if China invades India, or if USA fights India , who will be the winner is a nuisance. Honestly I don’t understand what pride can one feel of the military strength of his country – as long as my country is prosperous and don’t have serios quarrels with anybody else I can be proud of it. I don’t think that there is the slightiest possibility for USA to fight with India in the near future – just the opposite – USA desperately needs a rival, another Superpower or Superpowers so the disbalance caused by the disintegration of USSSR to be filled out. If there is not another Superpower in the next 15-20 years it will be very hard for USA to keep itself so prosperous as it is now. I think that a conflict betwwen India and USA or India and China would be possible when these three countries are really close to each other in military perespective – which is not that far in the future. still for the good of al of us i hope that the idea of leading a war wouldn’t be that attractive to anybody after 15 years as it is now.

  6. The United States does not have the wherewithall to launch a military offensive against India , leave alone subdue India militarily.

    To effectively terminate India america would have to use overwhelming nuclear force , only then could India be pulverised. But so too the global consequences of such an attack would be felt on a mega-global scale. A 6th of humanity cannot to exterminated without karmic blowback, India will respond with all its nuclear might and atleast disable to vital american body-limbs. That then is not bearable for an affluent society like america to manage at least 20mollion americans will perish almost instantly by the revenge fury of a suicidal last attack by Indian H-BOMBS. Seeing AMERICA thus standing on one leg after the devastating Indian kamikaze attack , China will most certainly not sit back , it too would be vulnerable to american fury , and seeing how India has been reduced to a heap it would fully well respond with nukes of its own during america’s vulnerable sickness mode induced by India’s revenge attack. It could strike when america is withering in pain from India’s H-BOMB ATTACK.So too can the russians respond accordingly , they will have the same motivations and fears that their chinese counterparts have.

    That’s a scenario too frigthening for our yankees , so let’s talk of the other option , a conventional attack by a unified western army which ofcourse does not include the germans , french , italians , spaniards , poles etc etc . So it is mostly anglo-american force that would constitute the mighty army, with all americas armed forces combined it would mean 1.7 million troops , the brits hardly constitute numbers . An indian army of 1.3 million and america ofcourse has to contend with a large force of tanks , artillery guns, high glacial mountains , a western desert landscape and eastern jungles . Americas army will not hold its own for a day imagine india’s sheer size and the size of its population a 1000 millions humans would eat every american service alive . Imagine it is hard on you to control a country of iraq’s size and population , would congress be willing to to sanction 10 trillion dollars or at least a half of america’s entire annual national budget, believe ime america would go bankrupt in a day.

    To my american friends …….stop believeing in falsehood and never underestimate India , you dare not attack India for then you will know not what hit you, this is no vietnam or iraq , your troops will die a billion deaths and the heart of your empire will be buried deep inside the deccan plateau. India is a military giant and america needs to show India the respect a superpower would show another superpower.


    Good lord. This thread origniated from information provided as a result of a JOINT EXERCISE. JOINT!!!!

    With all the H-BOMB this and that CRAP , lets all take a step back and get to back to basics.

    a) United States will NEVER attack India. When is the last full scale war, in modern times, the United States has had with a DEMOCRATIC NATION?

    b) India has an excellent military. Obviously so does the United States. The US has a massive ability to project power (11 Super Carriers, Marine Expeditionary Forces, Air Force, etc).

    HOWEVER, NO ONE here is claiming that India is not a regional heavy weight and incapable of defending its soil. India has built up its strength to fight off China and Pakistan. The Chinese have the largest standing army in the world (4 million).

    c) There is a REASON why the USA and India are partnering up slowly but steadily. It is in both DEMOCRATIC nations interest to help each other out. Economically, militarily, and socially there are quite interesting parallels between the countries. A joint Indian and USA naval exercise was held recently where BOTH countries saw things they liked that the others had. Joint AMerican and Naval patrols have also been stepped up as the CHINESE have been pushing their Naval patrols further south west.

    d) Lets put all this juvenile “My dad has a bigger car than yours” away and talk about what is really of pride here, two free democratic nations stepping up their cooperation and inter-oprability for future progress.

    To the Poet above announcing the death of USA “deep inside the deccan plateau”.

    Dude, relax. No one is coming over anytime soon or in the forseeable future. And speaking of ‘respect’ what do you think the Cope India Air exercies and Malabar Naval exercises are about? Indian Airforce has also participated in international training/exercises in Alaska with the US Military along with others.

  8. Scenario Building

    Time line:

    The year is 2015

    1. Taiwan declares independence.

    2. China declares war on Taiwan, attacks Taiwanese Capital (Taipei) with missiles and mobilizes it’s troops along it’s southern border to prepare for a Normandy style landing with a prelude to a naval invasion of Taiwan.

    3. Taiwan meanwhile appeals for intervention to retain its territorial integrity from an imperialist, aggressive & militarily crazy China. The United States brings a resolution to the UN Security Council to condemn the aggressive Chinese behavior over Taiwan. China vetoes the resolution.

    4. America summons its allies & friends in the region & worldwide to come to the defense of Taiwan. America mobilizes its vast pacific war machine. Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, United Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Vietnam, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Romania, The Czech Republic, Turkey, Israel, Canada & Brazil join the formidable American troop mobilizations. America along with its allies launches the biggest naval protective operation after the second WW. The operation is code-named Liberation China.

    5. Some notable American partners among them, Russia & India stay neutral & adopt a wait & watch strategy. Simultaneously, China is reassured of India & Russia’s professed neutrality for the time being. Other Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Iran & Saudi Arabia also stay out of the conflict, but lodge their protest in the UN against the allied operations in the Far -East.

    6. China launches air strikes with Russian acquired Sukhoi –30s, Taiwan counter attacks with F-16s. The biggest air battle over the Taiwan Strait ensues. Meanwhile the US & its allies block the sea-lanes in the Malacca’s, the South China Sea & the busy Pacific sea-lanes, and station warships & aircraft carriers along the coast of southern & central China. This is a formidable naval blockade to choke Oil & other essential cargo from entering Chinese ports.

    7. China is being choked economically, the Shanghai & Hong Kong stock exchanges plunge to their lowest ever levels. America freezes Chinese assets overseas, in order to break China’s economic & financial stability. China tries to break the allied naval blockade, but after being challenged to a battle declines any engagement with US & allies naval warships.

    8. China tries to break through the naval blockade again, but on being vigorously challenged for a fight the Chinese navy backtracks. The allied navies mount an entire semi-circle naval siege of the north & south china seas with tremendous success from the allied war-angle.

    9. The air battle over the Taiwan Strait intensifies, resulting in heavy loss of aircraft for the PLAAF. Taiwan Air force quickly regains air superiority over China in a matter of a week of dog -fighting.

    10. Meanwhile China attempts to break the naval blockade once again at two points, near the Tonkin Gulf & the other near the Yellow Sea with very limited success. The Japanese & Korean Navies launch a combined attack in the Yellow Sea region to fend of Chinese naval maneuvers, while the combined American, Vietnamese, Philippine & Singaporean naval onslaught in the Tonkin Gulf seriously impairs Chinese naval capabilities in the South China Sea.

    11. The Americans simultaneously launch a concerted counterattack by deploying B-52 bombers to pre-empt Chinese troop movements to the central coast bordering the Shanghai area. These attack PLA troop formations in central & north china to prevent the Chinese from consolidating their strength in China’s important industrial hinterland, and preventing them from attacking Japanese & Korean forces in the Yellow Sea region. The onslaught by B-52 bombers results in heavy Chinese casualties.

    12. The Chinese Central Military Command decides to pull away PLA divisions from Tibet, Nei Mongol, Dongbei & Xinxiang to reinforce their beleaguered counterparts in China Proper who are facing a combined onslaught by a formidable allied war machine. This Chinese decision is taken in view of the professed neutrality of India & Russia.

    13. China decides to fire nuclear tipped IRBMs on key targets in Japan & Korea to break the naval impasse in the Yellow sea. This Chinese move backfires as the NMD Shield intercepts the missiles over Japan & Korea & renders the attack ineffective. The allies respond by counterattacking Chinese military formations with TNW ( Tactical Nuclear Weapons or mini-nukes ) . China sustains very heavy losses of troops. ( approx half a million PLA troops are reported dead in this lethal attack )

    14. Russia has meanwhile put its troops near the Mongolian & Manchurian fronts on the highest alert in attack formations to prevent any spillover from the fighting inside Chinese territory. Secret parleys between the Japanese, Koreans & Russians results in Russia agreeing to invade from the north with the Japanese & Koreans attacking from the Yellow Sea & Yalu river region.

    15. India meanwhile sensing the depletion of Chinese troop deployment-levels in Tibet launches a major invasion from Ladakh & the NEFA region, citing as reason the liberation of Chinese –held Indian territory in Askai Chin. Indian transport planes airlift troops, artillery guns & tanks across the Himalayan ranges into the Tibetan plateau. They capture major mountain passes, bridges, highways & airfields in a lighting quick military blitzkrieg across south-western Tibet and manage in quickly consolidating their position of strength in Central Tibet & Amdo. They get massive air support from USAAF fighters stationed in Central Asia. Together the USAAF & IAF fighter jets inflict heavy losses on PLA units retreating from Tibet. The Indian Army gradually inches towards the Yunnan province despite stiff resistance from PLA units stationed there.

    16. Pakistan, Iran & Saudi Arabia form an Islamic bloc and try again to table a resolution in the UN along with components from the Arab League to oppose any allied operations in East Asia. This is a last ditch attempt to conjure up world opinion to prevent the break up of China. But America warns this rogue Muslim grouping of serious consequences if they continue to put roadblocks for the allies.

    17. On the far north-western frontier of China bordering Central Asia, America along with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan & Russia amasses troops & air capabilities in strike formations along the Tien Shan ranges, a major air assault is launched against the remaining PLA units in Xinxiang. The allies advance into Taklimakan & onwards into the Gobi & chase PLA units to the last man. East Turkestan is proclaimed a free republic.

    18. Tibetan & Uighur Nationalists are installed in the autonomous regions ( Tibet & East Turkestan ). Race Riots ensue where Han Chinese are systematically targeted & massacred and their property looted & burned down by the native Tibetans & Uighurs. The nationalists give an ultimatum to the entire Han Chinese population to move out of these regions or face the music. There is a massive exodus of Han Chinese from both these regions in order to escape retaliation. The Buddhist Republic of Tibet is proclaimed jointly by India & the United States. The Dalai Lama returns to his homeland from exile in India.

    19. In China the economic situation turns grave & the internal security apparatus collapses. There is utter lawlessness in the major cities of Southern China. Democracy dissidents have started targeting communist party members. Inflation is running at an all time high of 1200%. The Chinese currency has lost most of its value and is trading at 50,000 renminbi to a dollar. There is a virtual blackout in the industrial heartland of Guangdong and adjoining regions as well as acute fuel & food shortages all across south & central China due to the allied naval blockade.

    20. Vietnam & Thailand launch a major invasion (comprising largely of their respective mountain divisions) of China from the mountainous southeast adjoining their territory. The USAAF gives them air support and the Indian army, which in the meantime has reached Kunming in Yunnan, aids these troops. The PLA divisions flee towards China proper after suffering major reversals. Taiwanese & US navies meanwhile battle hard with the Chinese navy to capture the Island of Hainan. Finally, the US wrests Hainan Island from Chinese control after a brief naval engagement along the Tonkin Gulf. An independent protectorate of Hainan is declared under Taiwanese control.

    21. Combined Russian & Mongolian forces fight along side to capture Inner Mongolia from Chinese occupation. Finally having been caught between Korean & Japanese forces along the yellow sea & Russian & Mongolian forces in the North the PLA units abandon their positions and fall back leaving Russia in control of large territories in Manchuria & Inner Mongolia.

    22. Remaining PLA troops surrender enmasse in Inner Mongolia & Manchuria. Reports emerge of PLA surrenders in Tibet & Yunnan as India consolidates its military position in Tibet.

    23. Singapore, Philippines, the US & Vietnam jointly invade the southern coastal region of Guangzhou & Fujian along the entire southern underbelly of China. Large numbers of PLA troops desert their positions & surrender unilaterally to the advancing allies.

    24. US forces quickly control almost the entire Pearl River delta & capture Guangzhou, Fujian, Shenzen & Hong Kong meeting very little resistance from the PLA. Meanwhile the Germans, British & Canadians invade Shanghai & Nanking here they are aided by shock troops from Poland, Spain, Italy & Turkey. A fierce tank battle rages between PLA armoured divisions & the allied forces over control of the Yangtze River Delta & its adjoining hinterland.

    25. The US & British air forces start a deadly air assault on Chinese formations along the entire Yangtze River Delta hinterland to assist the allied forces there. At this crucial juncture some middle ranking PLA military commanders get in touch with allied headquarters and express their desire to defect to the allied side.

    26. The Japanese & Koreans launch a full frontal attack on beleaguered PLA positions in northern China & along the Yellow sea. The cities of Lushun, Dalian & Harbin are captured by the Japanese – Korean troops after stiff resistance from Chinese forces.

    27. The Final assault on Beijing is planned with the Japanese, Koreans & Americans proceeding from the south & east, with the Russians approaching from the north.

    …………………………….to be continued

  9. I have been lurking on this site for the past couple of months and have read all the comments on this article. It appalls me that GC gets away with labelling any pro indian viewpoint as saffron. Exactly what is “saffron” about American Eagle saying that the indian military is respected in various american military circles??? Please provide a complete explanation on how this realtes to a saffron pro-hindu viewpoint. Thank you

  10. I am writing from India & have seen the entire website. I believe certain Individuals from Indian origin are not being realistic about India’s capabilities or its achievements . To begin with let’s look at India’s history. India as a country has seen innumerable defeats at the hands of various invadors (Muslims , British ….chinese etc ) for the last thousand years.

    Point : If you are really “able”, you may be defeated once or twice , but not over & over again.Lack of know- how or simply ignorance about military tactics is no excuse .

    Wars are not all about bravery alone but bravery is just a small part of whole lot of innumerable qualities a person must pocess (or a martial race ) in order to win a battle or a war.

    Today’s India: Even todate India is reeling with curruption, & a whole lot of other malaise , that are a characterteristic of any degenerating society.People as a whole don’t seem to be bothered.The way India has dealt with episodes like Kandahar plane Hijacking , Kargil ,…etc , it more or less shows that the country is weak.

    Our Politicians: The political leaders are shamelessly going out of their way to court the same pakistani leadership that was responsible for all , what we have gone through.

    Print Media ( including TV channnels ) that is supposed to be free , is actually pro government.It’s more like government mouthpiece.

    Indian soldiers are getting killed everyday in Kashmir & elsewhere.Their morale is at the lowest ebb especially going by the reports of suicides or rampages .

    While Indian media dutifully reports on US casualities in Iraq but not on Kashmir that has been boiling for over two Decades.

    Meanwhile complete reports ( or reporting by TV channels ) regarding repeated scandals & subsequent coverups , in which politicians , bureaucrats & investigating agencies are involved , never see light of the day.

    India ‘s IT sector is among the few oasis of “success” in an otherwise a desert of failures .

    Ultimate point is simple , history repeats itself Or is repeating itself .

    India lost wars to Muslem Invadors due to incompetent Hindu Rulers ( Indian princess used to indulge in drinking , Debauchery & petty squabbles for power).When they could not defeat the muslem rulers , they also could’nt defeat the British , thus enslaving themselves. We are having a repetition of the same episode( with our politicians & bureaucrats having taken the role).

    When Indians could not defeat the muslem rulers or the British , when the circumstances actually favoured us , how can we defeat the Americans who are technically speaking several generations ahead of us in terms of technology .

    .Americans have won the first world war & Second world War.They have won in Afghanistan & Iraq, while India has not won a single major battle in the last 1000 years .It’s day dreaming or wishful thinking that India can ever battle US anywhere into the future.

    Fighting wars was never ever a kid’s game , & never will be.

    Strength of any country in today’s world is first of all dictated by Economic Strength & equally by strong Political leadership ( George Bush or a Vladmir Putin). India’s has neither. It depends on Russia for most of its defence equipment.For the rest , it depends on a whole host of countries ( Russia , Israel , Argentina , Italy , Sweden , East Germany to US). So any Ship or frigate or Aircraft purchased by India will have equipments that have a from whole host of countries . It’s Defence equipments are for most part is obsolete . Most importantly Defence Establishment is riddled with Corruption ( Bofors & Tehelka are very , very good examples). It’s the same old story with other establishments as well .

    Thanks ,


  11. ummm, i’ve been reading all these comments and would like to add something (forgive my english as school was many years ago). im a malaysian chinese with many indian friends. we used to talk about our ancestry and all and were proud of it. however reality is reality and in no way can u be overly proud of the achievements of those sharing our “genes” when they had to emigrate in order to achieve successs. more must be done so that the same level of success can be achieved had they stayed put. until that happens, fond memories of past successes must be kept in check as to not blind us to the effort that lies ahead.

    (anyway i would love to see china and india emerge as future peacefull superpowers to counter a certain cnn fed country. im kinda worrried at china’s increasing fanatism and nationalism as it reminds me of japan’s dark past))

  12. India has been plundered time after time.Muslims,persians, british,e.t.c. all attacked and India just Kept on losing. But isnt it strange that during the same scenario,just one Hero,could beat the stuffing out of the invaders.lemme explain.the rulers of magadha didnt stand a chance against the Greeks.but when chandragupta maurya ascended to the throne just a few years later,he took on the greek army and beat the stuffing out of them.Tipu sultan defeated the British,and signed a peace accord,only to be killed later(through treachery)by the british.And this happened when the east india company was at the pinnacle of its strength.But my favourite was about how a guy who didnt have a sword or a gun,he had non-violence.this guy was one of the main reasons why the british were in a hurry to leave india.what i’m saying is you all say india doesnt stand a chance against the U.S.but sooner or later just one guy is going to change India and then the world.inquilab Zindabad!!!

  13. Dear Bloggers,

    I request you to please go through Articles written by Brahma Chellaney ( The Director for Centre for Policy Research ) , which appear on Regular intervals in “The Hindustan Times“.

    It will help you get better perspective on India & India’s foreign Policy.

    His most recent article arrived was : Power Politcs (Wednesday ,April 27th , 2005) in the Hindustan Times.

    His Articles on the Net:

    On Indo- Pakistan Relations

    On Indo-China Relations

    Other Articles:

