Indian parrots make illegal incursions across Israeli borders

Parrots from India are wreaking havoc on Israeli crops. It is so bad that authorities are calling them “the number one enemy of the fruit growers in the country.” The green Indian parrot, commonly called “Dhara,” slipped into Israel some thirty years ago. From India Express:

The beautiful green Indian parrot called ‘Drara’ has undergone an “incredible multiplication” during the last few years as its predators have rapidly decreased in numbers, Dr. Yossi Lasham, an ornithologist, was quoted in the Yediot Ahronot daily.

The rich and natural food available all over northern Israel has aided its growth and they have wreaked havoc on the date plantations in Amakim, necessitating authorities to issue directives to adopt measures to control or even reduce their numbers, Lasham told the paper in Jerusalem.

To report the facts of this story correctly for SM readers I contacted the head parrot. He has been forced to remain in his cage for some time now under threat to his life. He told me that he does not recognize the right of Israeli date plantations to exist. The Israeli government is reportedly considering building a large cage around the entire country to curb the devastation to their crops.

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