Kashmiri family held hostage over love marriage

Two young Kashmiri Muslims recently eloped against their families’ wishes and are in hiding. The village elders have ordered the man’s family to offer a bride and cash to the woman’s family and are allegedly holding the man’s family hostage to ensure compliance.

This takes the theory of vicarious liability to a whole new level. But merely taking them hostage stinks of rank amateurism. Why not follow the lead of Russian counterterrorism and send the couple a severed hand? That would really get the point across: love hurts, babe.

One thought on “Kashmiri family held hostage over love marriage

  1. Nah Manish, here’s the lesson to learn — And you thought breaking up was hard! At least your family didn’t have to pay a penalty to your exes family, and marry off one of your siblings to make things “right”. Man, and I thought getting my stuff back was difficult …