It’s not the color of your money, it’s what’s in your pants that counts

From the Beeb:

Angry eunuchs in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu are protesting against a state-run insurance company which they allege has refused to issue an insurance policy to a eunuch.
A spokesman for the Life Insurance Corporation at their headquarters in Bombay (Mumbai) has denied that eunuchs will not be sold insurance.
But a senior official who requested anonymity told the BBC that, according to the company rules, only men or women can apply for insurance.
He said that, going strictly by the rules, applications from eunuchs are normally rejected.

I can just picture some desi bureaucrat looking at the boxes labeled “M/F Check ONE” and stamping denied across the form. Somebody please smack said bureaucrat silly, then send him to Bombay Dreams for re-education?

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