indian food in the UK gets “real”

since most brown restaurants in britain are actually owned and operated by bangladeshis, an indian entrepreneur in coventry has decided that it would be novel to put the “indian” back in indian food. read on:

Ownership of ‘Indian’ restaurants by Bangladeshis in London is so widespread that many Asians of Indian origin remark that they should pay royalty to use the word ‘Indian’ in their businesses – because that is what brings customers in.
Several patrons also often complain that what is served in such restaurants as Indian food is a pale shadow of the real thing.
…Jo Matharoo, one of three brothers who are partners in the venture, said:…”Flamingo Bar and Grill will be the real thing.
“What many people don’t realise is that 50 percent of people in India are vegetarians so that is a market we intend to cater for strongly.”

One thought on “indian food in the UK gets “real”

  1. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE …….Real indian food as per THE FOOD YOU WOULD COOK AT HOME IN INDIA……Can I have some?….. If you want to open a restaurant that does it in my area (Potters Bar & North London) you would have myself and my family as regular customers.(and everyone else who appreciates real ‘INDIAN’ ! Mac Chell, Potters Bar.