So like, whatÂ’s up with South Carolina? Not widely recognized (at least by this blogger) as being a bastion of minority politics, all of a sudden South Carolina is the place to be if you are South Asian and have your eyes on the prize. Earlier this year, you may recall that Nikki Randhawa-Haley, 32, won the Republican Primary in South CarolinaÂ’s House District 87 and was to run unopposed in the November election. Until the middle of last month she was guaranteed a victory. Despite the fact that she now has a Democrat petition candidate running against her, she will most likely have an easy victory. That however is not where the sudden embrace by South Carolina for its brown sons and daughters ends. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2004
Brown Tide
Daniel Drezner is proprietor of one of the most influential Classical Liberal / Libertarian / Academic blogs (take your pick of pigeon holes…) out there . The man has quite a following and regularly squares off with the equally eminent Brad DeLong. Drezner’s blog has landed him writing gigs for top tier national magazines and expert commentator roles on several TV news shows.
So, when you’re Drezner and you decide to take a weeklong blogging break – you need not one but 2 guys to guest blog and fill your shoes. It’s a pretty wild coinki-dink that from the sea of folks who’d kill for the exposure (sigh, myself included), both bloggers ended up desi.
Ambassadors imported into the UK
The venerable Ambassador car is being imported into the UK as a soft-top model.