But would the naked oppression take from us Daler’s greatest gift? Would the horror of imprisonment steal from Daler – and all of us – his muse? What of his ability to take mere syllables uttered by a lesser man and make them into full song titles? Would Punjabi weddings around the world be silenced?
Fear not intrepid mutineers – Daler is Back –

…defiant Daler Mehndi decided to go ahead with his planned shoot for the title track of his forthcoming album ‘Shaa Ra Ra RaÂ’. In fact, he opined, “God must have wished it this way. He throws such challenges to make us stronger.”…Daler said, “Hun Rab Di Mehr Naal Waqt Badal Gya Hai, Ab Mujhe Koi Rok Nahi Sakta” (“By the grace of God, time has changed for the better and nothingÂ’s gonna stop me now!”). [VV – now there’s a phrase to keep handy]
…The “Shaa Ra Ra Ra” song has been written and composed by Daler where he uses words such as guddi (in Punjabi) and patang (in Hindi) metaphorically to describe his ladylove. Bass guitar has been effectively used in the otherwise simple composition. Another high point of the song is the intro, where Daler has sung a couplet at a very high octave, showcasing his effortless switch from classical to pop.
I for one, can’t wait to find out what a “high octave” Daler sounds like. And if you ever wondered what you followed up “Bolo Ta Ra Ra Ra” with, apparently it’s a “Shaa Ra Ra Ra.”